- Rumours of an imminent earthquake startled a panic. 谣传即将发生地震引起了一阵恐慌。
- Hasty study for an imminent examination. 仓促准备为应付即将到来的考试所作的仓促准备
- There is no indication of an imminent revival of nuclear orders. 没有迹象表明还会出现定购核电站的新热潮。
- Those black clouds on the horizon announce an imminent storm. 地平线上的那些乌云,预示着一场暴风雨就要来临。
- That could mean an imminent end to the bankruptcy drought. 那就意味着破产将会发生。
- This not only aids cooperation, but guards against a breakdown position--the imminent disaster that follows failed cooperation. 这不仅有助于加强合作,而且能防止出现崩溃,即合作失败所可能立马带来的灾难。
- A kid in search for some berries despite the danger of an imminent bandit raid. 一个不管强盗危险而到处找浆果的小孩。
- There is one person on the estate who keeps drawing her attention to the imminent disaster: Francois Beauvais, a French prisoner of war. 庄园雇工法国战犯弗朗索瓦屡次反抗,让莱娜意识到了逐渐逼近的战火的威胁。
- Top Obama supporters say they do not expect an imminent end to the campaign. 奥巴马的主要支持者说,他们预期竞选活动不会立即结束。
- We'll keep an eye on it, but it's not something slated for an imminent nerf. 以后走调很容易预测出来。
- Investigation results suggested that the virus did not appear to pose an imminent major threat to public health. 调查及研究结果显示,这种流感病毒不会对公众卫生即时构成重大威胁。
- Engineering completely new symbiotic relationship is obviously not an imminent possibility. 工程上完全新的共生关系显然是可能性不大。
- The agent of Palermo defender Andrea Barzagli has played down talk of an imminent move to Juventus. 巴勒莫后卫安德雷.;巴尔扎利的经纪人降低了即将来临的和尤文图斯的会谈的重要性。
- The rumor of an imminent merger between Volkswagen and Chrysler was leaked by Automotive News, the weekly trade journal of the car industry. 大众汽车公司和克莱斯勒公司即特合并的传说是汽车工业的周刊《汽车新闻》泄露出去的。
- Nor have Bush and Blair pointed to any information indicating an imminent threat. 布什和布莱尔也没有提供任何信息显示出一种迫在眉睫的威胁。
- There is an imminent danger of this language abuse escalating into something unpredictable. 眼前的危险是,这场语言攻击将有可能升级为一场不可预测的东西。
- Either the Soviets sensed an imminent victory or they feared the approaching demoralization of their clients. 要么是苏联人感到胜利已经呼之欲出,要么是他们担心他们的被保护人的士气行将崩溃。
- "ABEND"is commonly used in the subject lines of E-mails warning friends of an imminent loss of Internet access. 许多人)常在电子邮件的主题中用"ABEND"一词来警告朋友即将失去上网的机会。
- Mr Brown's supporters insisted that an imminent reshuffle would re-energise his government. 布朗的支持者坚称即将到来的内阁改组会为政府带来新活力。
- For the sake of a few pence, almost any coolie will run an imminent risk of death. 仅仅为了几便士,几乎所有苦力阶层的人都会把性命置之度外。