the angle that a line makes with a line perpendicular to the surface at the point of incidence
angle of incidence的用法和样例:
The conventional tail must be at a negative angle of attack, and the Canard tail at a positive angle. 通常的尾翼必须处于负迎角,而鸭式尾翼则为正迎角。
Contrarily, the optimal rotate speed and the optimal operation point of the turbine can be obtained from the mean optimal incident angle. 反之,利用文中给出的平均最佳进气迎角也可确定透平的最佳转速,进而确定最佳工况点。
The prestack migration into space should be based on accurate isochrones through the heterogeneous velocity model and the wave incidence angles. 空间叠前偏移是基于精确的通过不均匀速度模型的等时线和波的入射角。
On the basis of the measured incident angle modified coefficient of the collector panels, the relation between the daily and instantaneous efficiency is given. 在测试了该集热器阵列的入射角修正系数的基础上给出了全日效率与瞬时效率的关系。