- Effects: diuretic-milk, only Xiaoke, anti drug. 功效:利尿通乳,止消渴,解酒毒。
- Most likely to have a long life as a video rental, this should be a very popular item with church groups and anti drug or anti crime organizations. 长久以来与出租录影带为伴,这部片子会受到宗教团体、反毒品团体和反暴力组织的极大欢迎。
- Many provinces and autonomous regions have unfolded the drug prevention education activities mainly for youngsters. 许多省区开展了以青少年为主要对象的毒品预防教育活动。
- Boys and girls, do you still remember our moral education activity? What's the topic? 导入。师:同学们,这学期我们开展的德育主题活动,还记得叫什么吗?
- The ASCP has developed and maintains the largest medical specialty society continuing education activity in the world. ASCP发展和保持了世界上最大规模的医学专业领域的继续教育项目。
- Conclusion: It Indicated that the reason for drug abuse and the type of drug to abuse has the trend of Time migration, Suppressing drug education and related soc... 结论:吸毒原因和滥药类型有较明显的时代迁移特征,提示青少年禁毒教育和戒毒社会服务工作需要紧跟步伐。
- The designing of the pre-school educational activity in Norway. 挪威学前教育活动设计。
- We should make use of the superiority of Xinjiang Mongolia race mentality, aim at the different mentality factor take bilingual education activity. 我们要利用新疆蒙古族民族心理共性的优势,针对受教育者的不同心理因素开展双语教育活动。
- EPD will organize complementary public education activities. 环保署会举办相关的公众教育活动。
- For cross-curricular studies in areas such as civic education, moral education, drug education, environmental education, sex education and AIDS education, the CDC provided teaching guidelines and support materials to schools. 此外,课程发展处分别就公民教育、德育、药物教育、环保教育、性教育及爱滋病教育等跨科目课程,为学校提供教学指引和辅导教材。
- Its ising a kind of drama activity of education property, or saying is the education activity of[with] the drama method. 它是一种教育性质的戏剧活动,或者说是戏剧方式的教育活动。
- Other learning programmes such as civic education, drug education, environmental education, sex education and information technology education are offered on a cross-curricular basis or as separate optional subjects. 其他课程例如公民教育、药物教育、环保教育、性教育及资讯科技教育,则以跨课程方式或独立选修科目教授。
- For cross-curricular studies in areas such as civic education,moral education,drug education,environmental education,sex education and AIDS education,the CDC provided teaching guidelines and support materials to schools. 此外,课程发展处分别就公民教育、德育、药物教育、环保教育、性教育及爱滋病教育等跨科目课程,为学校提供教学指引和辅导教材。
- Studying politic education is the method that shows systematic didactics gives birth to study, way and strategy, make the student learns the education activity of study finally. 学习策略教学是指系统的教授学生学习的方法、途径和策略,使学生最终学会学习的教学活动。
- Other learning programmes such as civic education,drug education,environmental education,sex education and information technology education are offered on a cross-curricular basis or as separate optional subjects. 其他课程例如公民教育、药物教育、环保教育、性教育及资讯科技教育,则以跨课程方式或独立选修科目教授。
- School health officers and nurses advise on the control of communicable diseases and organise health education activities and immunisation campaigns. 分区办事处的医生和护士则会就如何控制传染病的问题提供意见,并举办健康教育活动和防疫注射活动。
- The conative,educationis a kind of education activity which aims at training the qualitied persons that have the creative thought and ability. It's the target of the quality education. 创造教育是指以培养具有创造性思维和创造能力的人才为目标所进行的教育活动,创造教育是素质教育的归宿。
- The nurse diluted the drug with saline water. 护士用生理盐水把药加以稀释。
- Collective mental educational activity mainly reflects the special topic activity and confluent activity . 集体心理教育活动集中体现为专题性活动和融合性活动;
- They're completely anti the new proposals. 他们完全反对新的提议。