- An applicant, while applying to an administrative body for reconsideration, shall submit a written application for reconsideration. 第三十二条申请人向行政机关申请复议应当递交复议申请书。
- With respect to the application for reconsideration, the Board shall make the decision of the reconsideration within 3 days and notify the applicant by written form. 商标评审委员会对复议申请应当在3日内作出复议决定,并书面通知复议申请人。
- The reconsideration organ shall,within 60 days after receipt of the application for reconsideration,make a reconsideration decision. 复议机关应当在接到复议申请之日起六十日内作出复议决定。
- The reconsideration organ shall,within 60 days after the receipt of the application for reconsideration,make a reconsideration decision. 复议机关应当在接到复议申请之日起六十日内作出复议决定。
- The organ giving reconsideration shall make a decision within 60 days from the date of receiving the application for reconsideration. 复议机关应当在接到复议申请之日起60日内作出复议决定。
- Citizens, legal persons or other organizations that file an application for reconsideration pursuant to these regulations are applicants. 第二十六条依照本条例申请复议的公民、法人或者其他组织,是申请人。
- The reconsideration organ shall, within 60 days after receipt of the application for reconsideration, make a reconsideration decision. 复议机关应当在接到复议申请之日起六十日内作出复议决定。
- The reconsideration organ shall, within 60 days after the receipt of the application for reconsideration, make a reconsideration decision. 复议机关应当在接到复议申请之日起六十日内作出复议决定。
- If a decision has been made to reject his application for withdrawal, the party or his legal representative may apply for reconsideration once. 对驳回申请回避的决定,当事人及其法定代理人可以申请复议一次。
- If no application for reconsideration is submitted or no suit is filed within the prescribed period, the penalty of revoking the permit shall go into effect. 逾期不申请复议或者不起诉的,吊销许可证的处罚生效;
- The present Rules shall be applied when the SIPO is accepting applications for reconsideration, trying reconsideration cases and making reconsideration decisions. 国家知识产权局受理复议申请、审理复议案件、作出复议决定,适用本规程。
- Article 8 The people's court at the next higher level shall form a collegial bench to examine an application for reconsideration made by a party or any interested party. 第八条上一级人民法院对当事人、利害关系人的复议申请,应当组成合议庭进行审查。
- The application for reconsideration of the decision concerning other specific Customs acts shall be dealt with by the Customs to which the Customs made the original decision is subordinate. 对海关作出的其它具体行政行为不服申请复议的,由作出具体行政行为的海关的上一级海关管辖。
- He is the applicant for Party membership. 他是入党申请人。
- He was the hundredth applicant for the job. 他是第100个申请这项工作的人。
- There were five applicants for the position. 有五人申请那个职务。
- I made an application for a loan. 我申请一笔贷款。
- Applicants for the job must be thirty and under. 申请这一工作的人年龄须在三十以下。
- We received 400 applications for the job. 对这份工作,我们接到400人的申请。
- Though Mr.Boyle finds city life unappealing, it is now up for reconsideration. 虽然波义尔认为城市生活并不吸引人,但是现在也该再考虑一下了。