- Central Arid Zone Research Institute 中央干旱地区研究所
- Advisory Committee on Arid Zone Research; 干旱地带研究咨询委员会;
- PROMECA; Central Arid Zones Research Institute; 中央旱区研究所;
- YuanYujiang, Li Jiangfeng. The response functions of tree-ring chronologies in the east end of Tianshan Mountain. Arid Zone Research, 李江风。天山东端树轮年表的响应函数。干旱区研究
- Arid Zone Research Institute 干旱区研究所
- Study on models of degraded ecosystems in arid zone of West China. 西部干旱区退化生态系统模式研究。
- The Landscape Ecological Construction in Continental River Basin in Arid Zone. 干旱区内陆河流域景观生态建设。
- Aibihu Lake is typical arid zone lake,it has arid zone ecosystem of especial everglade. 艾比湖是典型的干旱区湖泊,具有特殊湿地的干旱生态系统。
- In many islands, cacti and prickly bushes replaced the shore arid zone mangrove forest. 在许多的岛屿上,仙人掌和多刺灌木干旱区取代了岸边的红树林区。
- It is estimated that about one quarter of the world's land surface receives less than 300 mm. of rain per year. This area is known as the arid zone. 据估计,世界上大约1;4的土地面积的年降雨量不到300毫米。这类地区叫做干燥地带。
- Darfur is an arid zone with overlapping, growing populations of impoverished pastoralists (tending goats, cattle and camels) and sedentary farmers. 达佛是个乾燥地区,却有两个生活范围相互重叠而且人口渐增的族群:一为穷困的牧民(放牧羊群、牛群与骆驼),一为定居的农民。
- The Ningxia Municipality locates at the cross zone the eastern monsoon zone, the northwestern arid zone and the Qingzang altiplano. 宁夏位于我国东部季风区、西北干旱区和青藏高原区域的交汇地带,独特的地理环境和气候条件使这里的药用植物资源独具特色。
- Kecun Zhang, Ruiping Zu, Jianjun Qu, Haiyan Fang. Characteristics of drifting sand flux over Gobi surface: A wind tunnel simulation. Annals of Arid Zone ,(SCI) (Accepted). 张克存,屈建军,俎瑞平,方海燕.;不同下垫面对风沙流特性影响的风洞模拟研究
- Firstly, on the base of analysis synthetically the forward study on the eco-environment and oasis in arid zone, detailed introduction to the basic RS theory and method. 首先,系统总结了前人有关干旱地区生态环境及绿洲的研究,并详细介绍了遥感的基本原理和方法;
- The differences of ecosystem coupling relation characteristics in arid zone can be found by water-heat condition, land-scape band spectrum, microclimate effects and factitious activities, and so on. 干旱区生态系统耦合关系的特征差异表现在水热状况、景观带谱、小气候效应以及人为活动等方面。
- Aeolian sand, distributed extensively around China?s arid and semi arid zones, is the main bearing body of wind erosion in China. 风成沙广泛分布于我国干旱与半干旱地区,是我国风蚀与风沙活动的主要载体。
- The fact is that the planet is changing faster than even pessimists expected: ice caps are shrinking, arid zones spreading, at a terrifying rate. 事实是,我们居住的这个星球变化之快甚至超过了悲观者的预计:冰盖变小,荒漠扩大,其速度令人恐惧。
- He jammed his hat on angrily arid went out. 他怒气冲冲地使劲戴上帽子,走了出去。
- Hopes to be awarded a stipend for further research. 希望能被给予进一步研究的费用。
- The research project was only a partial success. 那个研究课题只取得部分成功。