- Zeng Yangyang has been invited by The Kingdom of Morocco King S.M.Leroi Mohammed VI, visit King Palace, join King ascend the throng grand ceremony. Zeng Yangyang's China painting panda,peony flower to King. 年,曾洋洋应摩洛哥王国国王:穆罕默德六世邀请,访问摩洛哥,参加国王登基大典曾洋洋的中国画熊猫、牡丹花赠送给国王。
- She had to press through the throng to reach the stage. 她不得不穿过拥挤的人群走上舞台。
- Shit! I had my pocket picked in the throng. 糟糕!我在人群里被人掏了包。
- The throng protested against racial discrimination. 群众抗议种族歧视。
- He was only eight when he ascended the throne. 他登上王位时才八岁。
- Mike dashed through the throng of people on the street. 麦克冲过街上的人群。
- We pushed our way through the throng. 我们挤过人群。
- After some hesitation we decided to ascend the mountain. 我们犹豫了一下,决定登山。
- He ascend the flight of narrow stairs to his bedroom. 他登上狭窄的楼梯到他的卧室去。
- Behold, the throng was moving with a lightsome step. 瞧,行人们一个个步履轻快。
- I intend to ascend the space between as well as the space without. 我意愿提升两极空间以及一致空间。
- The new emperor ascended the throne. 新皇帝登基了。
- Side by side they left the thronged terminal. 他们俩并肩走出摩肩接踵的终点站。
- There was a slight flutter among those in the pews, as the procession began to ascend the aisle. 当这一行人开始走下教堂里的侧廊时,在坐靠背长椅的人中间有了一点骚动。
- She has to press through the throng to reach the stage . 她不得不穿过拥挤的人群走上舞台
- The evening passed all too quickly for the throng of dancers. 对大批跳舞的人来说,这天晚上过得真是太快了。
- But isn't Princess Mia first in line to ascend the throne? 但是难道蜜娅公主不是皇位的第一继承人吗?
- By degrees the throng dispersed; the carriages drove off. 人群渐渐地散光了;车辆也驶走了。
- Her heart was thumping as she ascended the stairs. 她上楼梯时,心怦怦跳个不停。
- She has to press through the throng to reach the stage. 她不得不穿过拥挤的人群走上舞台。