- Tax evasion Avoidance of taxes by illegal means. 用非法的手段避税。
- That is the avoidance of double taxation. 普: 这就是说避免国际间双重纳税。
- Secondly, problem of delay should be solve. 其次,解决滞后问题。
- A person's health improves with the avoidance of stress. 一个人只要避免紧张,健康状况就会改善。
- Project economic Trade-offs, such as the cost of delay. 项目经济方案,例如延迟的成本。
- The avoidance of tax maybe lawful, but it is not yet a virtue. 避税可能合法,但却不道德。
- Parkinson's Law of Delay: Delay is the deadliest form of denial. 帕金森延迟定律:延迟是拒绝的极端形式.
- The situation is critical and doesn't admit of delay. 情况紧急不允许耽搁下去。
- The act or an instance of delaying or putting off. 推迟延迟、延期的行动或事例。
- The avoidance of buggery, the main worry is dirty or pain. 对肛交的回避,主要是担心脏或疼。
- In case of delay in delivering the dumbwaiter already certificated. 如果发生交货延误,输送小车已经证实!!
- Getting fearful of delay, he pulled the reins strongly. 他怕耽搁,于是用力拉住?绳。
- An authorized period of delay in the performance of an obligation. 延缓偿付期在履行法律义务时法律所允许的延缓期限
- He strongly requested the avoidance of incidents involving Cambodian lives. 他强烈要求避免发生危及到柬埔寨人生命的事件。
- In the case of delay in the listing, Everbright Bank through other channels to increase capital in order to avoid regulatory capital adequacy ratio fell to a "red line" under. 在上市延后的情况下,光大银行正通过其他途径来增加资本金,以避免资本充足率降至监管“红线”之下。
- The auspicious designs symbolize good luck and the avoidance of evil. 吉祥图案寓意吉祥辟邪,
- Again, feedback is essential for avoidance of similar problems in the future. 同样,为避免将来发生类似问题,反馈信息很重要。
- This was just the latest in a series of delaying tactics. 这只是一系列拖延战术中的一个新花招。
- The avoidance of money is just as psychotic as being attached to money. 我可不这么认为。闭口不谈钱就像依赖钱一样是一种心理疾病。