- Some English words have no Chinese equivalents. 有些英文字在中文里没有对应的词。
- Shorter words are seen constantly edging away their longer equivalents. 短小的词逐渐取代长的同义词是常见的现象。
- U.S. Customary units and their metric equivalents. 美国传统单位和它们的米对应量
- There are no equivalents in Visual Basic 2005. 在Visual Basic 2005中没有等效项。
- Some Japanese words have no English equivalents. 一些日语单词在英语中没有对应词。
- Some American words have no British equivalents. 一些美语单词在英式英语中没有对应词。
- The continental beds are as thick as their marine time equivalents. 陆相地层与其时代相同的海相地层具有一样的厚度。
- We have already met one series of specific enol equivalents. 我们已经遇到过一系列有特效的烯醇等当物。
- The process whereby a digital computer translates the instructions of a program written in a high-level language into their machine language equivalents. 数字计算机借此把高级语言编写的程序中的指令翻译成与其等价的机器语言程序的处理过程。
- Short cut key stroke equivalents display next to main menu items. 快捷键等效方式显示在主菜单项旁边。
- Enharmonic keys, are keys that are enharmonic equivalents. 等音即同音异名的音。
- Project plans were shown to be the verbal equivalents of the WBS. 计划计划被显示是WBS的口述等量。
- Today people who hold cash equivalents feel comfortable. 今天拥有现金或现金等价物的人可能感觉不错。
- Stieglitz shot cloudy skies, which he called “equivalents. 斯蒂格里茨拍了多云的天空,美其名曰“等同”。(唉,人成了名怎么都行。
- Russian unit of weight equivalent to about16.4kilograms(36.1pounds)avoirdupois. 普特俄国重量单位,相当于约16。4公斤(即36。1磅)
- The numbers of the antral follicles of o varies in both female XO and XX stimulated with PMSG were approximately equival ent. 在用孕马血清促性腺激素刺激XO雌体和XX雌体后,两者卵巢上的有腔卵泡数目相近;
- Qualifications: To fill this position, a degree in a relevant subject (Electronic Engineering, computer science or equiv...... ... 公司名称:北京外企人力资源服务上海有限公司工作地点:吉林省辽源市西安区发布时间:2009-7-21
- They can be obtained in all the industrial sizes and their metric equivalents. 各种工业尺寸或公制尺寸的胸架都有。
- Roman Numeral Converter - Converts integers to roman numeral equivalents. 这个应用程序能将整数转换为相当的罗马数字。
- Lists the SQL Server 2000 tools and their SQL Server 2005 equivalents. 列出SQL Server 2000工具及其SQL Server 2005等效工具。