- In 638 B.C.,the state of Sung fought with the powerful state of Chu. The Sung forces were already deployed in battle positions when the Chu troops were crossing the river. 公元前六三八年宋国与强大的楚国作战,宋兵已经排列成阵,楚兵正在渡河。
- In 638 B.C., the state of Sung fought with the powerful state of Chu. The Sung forces were already deployed in battle positions when the Chu troops were crossing the river. 公元前六三八年宋国与强大的楚国作战,宋兵已经排列成阵,楚兵正在渡河。
- The foremost position in an army or a fleet advancing into battle. 前卫,尖兵进入战斗的部队或船队的最前面的位置
- He died in the last ditch in a fierce battle. 他在一次激战中奋战而死。
- The battle finally brought the war to an end. 这一仗使这场战争终告结束。
- The skirmish grew into a major battle. 小冲突扩大形成大战斗。
- A soldier's courage is put to the proof in battle. 士兵的勇气在战斗中得到考验。
- The wood is held in position by a clamp. 木头用钳夹固定住了。
- How many enemies bit the dust in the battle? 在这次战斗中打死了多少敌人?
- I am sick and tried of fighting a losing battle. 我对从事一场毫无成功希望的斗争厌倦了。
- The girl is quite suited for the position [work]. 这姑娘很适合担任这个职务[这个工作]。
- He had his leg shot off in a battle. 在一次战斗中,他的一条腿给打断了。
- I can live in clover when I get that position. 我得到那个职位便可过上优裕的生活。
- The city lay in the dust after the battle. 战斗结束后,全城成为废墟。
- He bribes his leader to consolidate his position. 他贿赂他的领导来巩固他的地位。
- Our soldiers bore away the palm in the battle. 我们的战士赢得了这场战斗。
- He harangued the troops before a battle. 他在战前向士兵作了慷慨激昂的讲话。
- The battle began in dead earnest. 战斗实际上已开始。
- The troops were arrayed for the battle. 军队已按战斗队形部署好。
- He took up a radical position on this issue. 他对这个问题抱着激进的态度。