- Blok's creation path was full of twists and turns. 处于每一阶段中心的,是关于祖国俄罗斯的诗歌。
- The road to socialism in China has been full of twists and turns. 中国搞社会主义走了相当曲折的道路。
- Full of twists and turns; tortuous. 弯弯曲曲的; 迂回的充满弯曲和拐弯的; 曲折的
- The road is full of twists and turns. 道路迂回曲折。
- Full of twists and turns;tortuous. 弯弯曲曲的;迂回的充满弯曲和拐弯的;曲折的
- Wednesday marked the two cities were full of twists and turns finishing concussion-like posture. 两市周三均呈明显的一波三折式的震荡整理态势。
- It's so full of twists and turns. 故事情节迂回曲折。
- Life is full of twists and turns. 生活充满坎坷。
- Cambodian political evolution has been full of twists and turns under the interaction of its political powers at home and abroad since it won independence from France. 摘要从柬埔寨摆脱法国殖民统治争得独立至今,柬埔寨政治在国内外政治势力错综复杂的相互作用下,经历了一个跌宕起伏的演变过程。
- The dance was full of twists and spins. 这种舞尽是转体和旋转动作。
- Revolution is never plain sailing, it's full of twists and turns. 革命从来都不是一帆风顺的,而是充满了艰难曲折。
- This very short story written by Xiao Wang is skillfully constructed and full of twists and turns. 小王写的这部微型小说构思巧妙,情节跌宕。
- In a life full of twists and turns, How many dreams are woven in beauty? You go to heaven in such a hurry, Drowning me in a lifetime yearning. 飘啊摇啊的一生,多少美丽编织的梦啊就这样匆匆你走啦,留给我一生牵挂。
- Zhang Daqian's Daughter: Life Full of Twists and Turns 张大千之女张心庆的人生坎坷路
- To Difficulty: Life is like a mountain path full of twists and turns; 困难说:人生就是那条坎坷曲折的山路;
- After a list of twists and turns, the jury system began to be actualized again on May 1, 2005 in China. 摘要陪审制度在我国经历一番波折后,经过完善,终于于今年5月1日起重新开始实施。
- The club seemed to be full of eccentrics. 这个俱乐部里好像都是怪人。
- The road twists and turns up the side of the mountain. 这条路曲折地沿山坡通往上面。
- He seems to be full of beans this morning. 今天上午他看上去精神饱满。
- Fold-line full of twists and turns links among long lines of nuclei distribution 长核素列连接的曲折线