- He asserted that a modern artist should be in tune with his times. 他宣称当代艺术家应该与其时代一致。
- His ideas are in tune with the times. 他的思想适合时代的潮流。
- His ideas are in tune with the spirit of his age. 他的思想符合他那年纪的精神面貌。
- His ideas were in tune with mine. 他的意见同我的一致。
- Our holidays must be in tuned with yours. 我们的假日时间安排必须与你的一致。
- His ideas were in tune with the period in which he lived. 他的思想跟得上他生活的时代。
- You must be in tune with the team to know what would be meaningful to all of its members. 你必须明白对于团队的每个成员,什么才是最有意义的。
- The addition of Multi may be in tune with the outrageousness associated with some manga, but here it just seems odd. 书中很多事例,由于涉及外交和他国声誉,故而不能具体点出这些国家的名字和涉及的国家的人员的具体姓名。
- Your energy frequencies need to be in tune with what you want to attract in your life. 你的能量的频率必须和那些你想吸引到生活中来的事物的频率相同。
- Our policies are in tune with the needs and the aspirations of the people. 我们的政策和人民的需要与愿望是一致的。
- Before the game, Jackson was praising Bryant for being in tune with teammates. 在赛前,杰克逊还称赞了科比变得更信任他的队友们,
- If we can pull through this recession, we will be in good shape. 如果我们能渡过这段经济不景气的时间,我们就会好多了。
- I do not want to be in the boss line of fire today. 今天我不想遭到老板的非难。
- I feel far more in tune with what is going on when I am in the bush than when I am in London or Nairobi. 我总感到,我在丛林中远比我在伦敦和内罗毕时与周围发生着的事情更为协调融洽。
- If Dad catches you you'll be in the soup. 如果爸爸抓住你,你就要倒楣了。
- She'd be in time if she got the nine o'clock bus. 如果她赶上九点钟的汽车,她就会及时到达。
- In order to be in tune with the process of eliminating plumbum, our company has developed the lead-free copper ribbon(welding ribbon). 为配合无铅化进程,公司开发出了无铅涂锡铜带(焊带)。
- The child with the cough ought to be in bed. 这患咳嗽的孩子应该睡在床上。
- For aught he knows, we might be in Beijing. 他不知道我们会在北京。
- Coleridge felt that his version of idealism could be reconciled with his Christian beliefs, and that Kant's moral theories (See later) were in tune with Christian sentiments. 柯尔律治认为他的唯心主义的观点可以和他的基督教信仰相调和,并且康德的道德理论也和基督教情感合拍。