- be initiated into monkhood or nunhood 受戒(佛教)
- I was initiated into the society at last. 最后我还是被介绍加入了这个团体。
- He was initiated into literary fraternities. 他被邀请加入了文艺学会。
- Hundreds are initiated into the sect each year. 每年有好几百人被接纳到这个教派中。
- They were initiated into Christianity. 他们被介绍加入了基督教。
- Sikh boys and girls are initiated into the Khalsa at puberty. 锡克教的男孩和女孩都在青春期启迪进入卡尔萨。
- Many of them had been initiated into drug use at an early age. 他们中有很多人在早年就被教会了吸毒。
- Those kids were initiated into heroin use at a young age. 那些孩子在还很小的时候就被教唆服用海洛因。
- The youths were initiated into manhood by the most frightful ordeals imaginable. 青年人要经受难以想像的严峻考验才能被承认进入成年期。
- After the lecture, many of the audience members were initiated into the Quan Yin Method or learned the Convenient Method. 讲经之后许多来宾接受印心,学习观音法门或是方便法。
- Almost all of the attendees stayed to learn the Convenient Method, and showed sincere gratitude upon leaving. Some even expressed a desire to be initiated into the Quan Yin Method. 会后几乎所有的来宾都留下来学方便法,他们在离去时,也都流露出由衷的感激之情,有些人并进一步表达了印心的渴望。
- It should be understood that the Great Pyramid of Egypt has been and still is a temple of initiation into the mysteries. Jesus, Solomon, Apollonius and others were initiated there. 我们应该理解埃及大金字塔仍然是也一直是进入这个秘密的初始神庙。在那里耶稣,所罗门,阿波罗神和其他人也接受了神启。
- initiation into monkhood 受戒
- He was in fact initiated into an ancient cult. 事实上,他被介绍参加一个古老的祭仪。
- The communication has to be initiated by the Pocket PC. 通讯必须由Pocket PC启动。
- I also hope to be initiated soon and become Your disciple. 我也希望能快一点印心,成为师父的徒弟。
- The structure reform in our company will be initiated soon. 我们公司的结构改革很快就会开始。
- The tonsure of the incarnate Living Buddha, his religious name, the choice of the master to initiate him into monkhood and his sutra instructor all have to be reported by the high commissioners to the imperial court for examination and approval. 转世灵童的剃发、取法名、选定授戒的师傅和授经的师傅,也都须经过驻藏大臣奏报朝廷核准。
- Children are early initiated into the rigors of adult competition. 孩子早早地被引入到成人激烈的竞争中去。
- The tonsure of the incarnate Living Buddha,his religious name,the choice of the master to initiate him into monkhood and his sutra instructor all have to be reported by the high commissioners to the imperial court for examination and approval. 转世灵童的剃发、取法名、选定授戒的师傅和授经的师傅,也都须经过驻藏大臣奏报朝廷核准。