- Be careful not to fall over the railing. 小心别跌在栏杆上。
- The typhoon caused the wall to fall over. 台风使这垛墙倒坍了。
- His dog has been poisoned to death. 他的狗已被毒死。
- How dare you! Your family was poisoned to death. 大胆刁妇,你一家十三口分明中毒而死。
- The hardest tumble a man can make is to fall over his own bluff. 人摔得最疼的一跤,是为自己吓唬自己所绊倒。
- Gloom and sadness are poisons to the soul. 抑郁和悲伤是心灵的毒药。
- Four members of the family had been poisoned to death. 这家有四口人被毒死。
- The hardest tumble a man can make is to fall over his own bluff . 人摔得最痛的一跤,是为自己吓唬自己所绊倒。
- The leaves of yew trees are poisonous to cattle. 紫杉树叶会令牛中毒。
- Jack pushed on through the snow. Then he began to fall over his own feet. 杰克在大雪中艰难地行走。然后他开始踉跄地摔起跟头来。
- He pushed on through the snow. Then he began to fall over his own feet. 他在大雪中艰难地行进。然后他开始踉跄地摔起跟斗来。
- Be careful not to fall off the ladder. 当心别从梯子上掉下来。
- He thinks pornography is poison to young minds. 他认为色情会腐蚀年轻人的心灵。
- Without the help of the dwarfs, Snow White might have been poisoned to death by her stepmother who envies her beauty. 如果没有他们的守护,白雪公主可能早已被妒忌她美丽的继母毒死。
- I was unlucky to slip on a banana skin and fall over. 我真倒霉,踩在香蕉皮上滑倒了。
- Tuson: It’s quite easy to fall over into that sort of trap for being a bit holier than thou. 图森:很容易就会掉进一个自命清高的陷阱里。
- The conglomerate's share price continued to fall over worries it might lose its top-notch credit rating. 联合股价持续下跌,使人不禁担心会失去其一流信用评级。
- The leaves of certain trees are poisonous to cattle. 某些树的叶子会毒害牲畜。
- Rain started to fall over the wreckage as the recovery effort continued well into the night. The search resumed at daylight on Thursday. 当恢复工作顺利地进行到夜晚的时候,大雨跌落在残骸上。搜寻工作在周四黎明前重新开始。
- Limit campaign transform multiport, if you are not afraid to fall over the pain, the pursuit of higher technology, can always practice into a skill. 极限运动变换多端,只要你不怕摔倒的伤痛,追求更高的技术,就总能练出一身的本领。