- Even with the extra resources, NATO will still be stretched thin. 甚至有了额外的资源,北约仍然难有大作为。
- The rubber band can be stretched out. 这条橡皮筋可被拉长两倍。
- Protocol can only be stretched so far. 礼仪不能再放宽了。
- The rope must be stretched tight. 绳子必须绷紧。
- The common weapons should be stretched every ten years. 常规武器应该十年一换代。
- Sometimes, I even knew their own right, ritual and should not be stretched to say the tone so high. 有时候,我明明知道自己就算没错,礼仪上也不应该把说话调子拉得那么高。
- To stretch or extend or to be stretched or extended. (使)展开,(使)扩展使展开或使扩展,展开或扩展
- In the evenings straw mats could be stretched over them. 晚上,上面绷上草帘子。
- This is the only visual affordance that the frame can be stretched. 并显示出窗口边框可以伸缩的方向,这时窗口边框可以被伸缩的唯一的视觉启示。
- This balloon analogy should not be stretched too far. 不过这个关于气球的比喻可别引申过头了。
- The bedsheets can be stretched out to cover the entire bed. 床单可以展开罩住整张床。
- They were stretched out on the lawn. 他们仰脸朝天地躺在草地上。
- The river was stretched more widely before them. 在他们面前,河面伸展得更为广阔。
- They were stretched out on the lawn . 他们仰脸朝天地躺在草地上。
- Our sights are stretched to every single hotspot. 我们的视线延伸到每一个热点。
- The condition of so being stretched;tautness. 绷紧状态:被这样拉紧的状态;
- I recognized it because I am stretched into it too. 我之所以懂得,是因为我也被拉扯进去了。
- The elastic band had to be stretched out before it would go round the parcel. 橡皮带必须尽量拉长,才能捆住包裹。
- Easily resuming original shape after being stretched or expanded; flexible. 柔韧的,有弹性的伸长或扩展后容易恢复原状的; 柔韧的
- Moments of time may be stretched or shortened depending upon need of the whole. 时间的瞬间根据整体的需要可能会拉长或缩短。