- But some governments will be timid in the face of terror. 但有些国家在恐怖主义面前显得十分怯懦。
- If love be timid, it is not true. 真爱不会羞怯的。
- Because get hurt of we were timid, fearing! 因为受伤的我们胆怯了,害怕了!
- They taunted him for being timid. 他们讥笑他胆小。
- He is gloomy of disposition and sullen of temper all day. 他整日里抑郁寡欢。
- He was timid and always tried to keep out of trouble. 他胆子很小,总怕惹事。
- He had a sunniness of disposition that delighted us all. 他性情愉快,使我们大家都快乐。
- The apostle may be daring, but the bishop must be timid. 使徒行事,可以大刀阔斧,主教却应当谨小慎微。
- I am not bound to be timid and conventional. 我不必有什么顾虑,也不必随波逐流。
- People with small noses are timid. 小鼻子的人胆怯害羞。
- He was timid about investing money. 他不敢投资。
- Childlings sylphs are timid and flighty. 精灵小孩是胆小害羞和让人捉摸不定。
- It is over timidity of the appetite. 勇气驱走怯懦
- Frank's wife ought to be timid, and she ought not to care about another living thing in the world but just Frank! 富兰克的妻子应该是羞怯温顺的,世界上除了富兰克本人之外,她对谁都没有关心的必要。
- My child, do not have to be timid, do not have to turn head, brave starts to walk the footsteps to walk to front! 我的孩子,不要胆怯,不要回头,勇敢的迈开脚步向前走吧!
- But no improvement of disposition, no educative effect, need follow. 但是他的性情不一定有所改进,也不一定产生教育效果。
- The timidity of your investments in our theme park business. 您对主题公园业务的投资畏首畏尾。
- Don't worry. It is natural for a child to be timid about going to school for the first time. 别担心。对于小孩来说,第一次去学校会感到害羞是正常的。
- My friends know that I am timid, so she introduced me to a friend. 我的朋友也知道我胆小,于是,她给我介绍了一个朋友。
- No man could be timid after such an approach as not to make some manner of response. 在如此这般的亲近之后,没有人还能畏缩不前而不做一些回应。