- We would like to agree, but one year would be too early to judge our sales. 我们很想同意,但以一年来评价我们的销售,似乎太早了。
- It was too early to conclude if there was an asset price bubble. 在现阶段下结论,认为出现资产价格泡沫属言之尚早。
- But right then it was too early to ask.I bided my time. ”自然地;我希望听得更详细些.;但这样问还太早
- Aviation chiefs said it was too early to determine the cause. 航空主席说太早还不能断定事故的原因。
- It would be too early for me to predict this. 现在规划对我来说太早了。
- It's better to be too early than to be too late. 宁可早到而不迟到。
- A: It would be too early for me to predict this. 现在规划对我来说太早了。
- It was too early to tell whether the Israelis could sustain themselves on the west side of the Canal. 目前还不能断定以色列是否能够在运河西岸坚持下去。
- A spokeswoman for Lapindo said that it was too early to conclude that Lapindo had acted negligently. 拉宾度公司一位女发言人表示,目前要下结论说,拉宾度有疏失,仍言之过早。
- The Athens Organising Committee (ATHOC) said it was too early to judge the games by a few empty arenas. 不过雅典组委会表示,现在用几个空体育场来判断票务情况还为时过早。
- However, the watchdog said it was too early to tell whether these premiums are stabilizing. 不过,政府问责局说,断言这项保费水平已经企稳还为时过早。
- They said it was too early to say whether Cisa's statement was posturing ahead of talks or marked a break in the benchmark system. 他们表示,要判断中钢协的声明是谈判前的一种姿态,还是标志着基准体系被打破,目前还为时尚早。
- Analysts said it was too early to say whether the response by China was posturing ahead of talks or signalled a break in the benchmark system. 分析师表示,要判断中方的反应是谈判前的一种姿态,还是预示着基准体系将被打破,目前还为时尚早。
- It's too early to look for any palpable effects. 现在要看出明显效果还为时过早。
- Wiesner said it was too early to say exactly how much of the zoo's heating needs would be met by the plant but it should be a significant proportion. 据介绍,动物园目前尚无法准确估计这座发电厂能否满足该动物园对热能的需求,但这种能源供应方式最终所占比例应该是相当可观的。
- It is still too early to tell who will win. 要说出谁将赢为时太早。
- We make it a little earlier to meet. 我们定下早点儿见面。
- A spokeswoman for show producers Talkback Thames said it was too early to say whether Boyle would be able to join the live stage tour of the show this month. TalkbackThames制片公司的一位女发言人称,现在还无法确定波伊尔能否参加本月举行的现场巡演。
- News of their engagement comes despite the fact that in an interview two months ago Miss Bux insisted it was too early to talk about marriage and children. 金融租赁,带有融资性质,采用这种租赁方式进境的货物,一般是不复运出境的,租赁期满,出租人会以很低的名义价格转让给承租人,租金是分期支付,租金的总额一般都大于货价。
- KR: It is too early to say, we have work to do. 现在说这个还为时过早,我们还有工作要做。