- The venue was under investigation by the police. 警察正在调查罪案现场。
- When the case was under investigation, Peter, the sergeant, was suspended. 那案子在调查期间,警长彼得被暂停职务。
- Some 400 students at a university have come down with a mystery fever and the cause was under investigation. 大约400个大学生染上怪病,发烧的原因正在调查中。
- Sometimes, witness's lips are sealed for some reasons that everyone knows when crime cases are under investigation. 有时,当调查犯罪案件时,目击证人会因为一些众所周知的原因而保守秘密。
- Three of the child's siblings are under investigation for possible infection and are also receiving care. 对该儿童的3名同胞正在调查可能的感染,并且他们也在接受治疗。
- Currently, the individuals who might have caused the accident are under investigation. 目前,那些可能造成这起事故发生的个人正在接受调查。
- The FAA says four airlines are under investigation for not complying with aviation regulations. 美国联邦航空局称有四家航空公司因为没有遵循航空规定而在受到调查。
- Firms linked to Jack Murtha, a Democrat notorious for earmarking funds for his home town, are under investigation. JackMurtha是将指定用途资金转用于自己家乡的臭名昭著的民主党人,与其有关的公司正在接受调查。
- The newspaper said it had obtained an internal BP email showing that the company was under investigation by a grand jury. 该报道声称从bp公司内部的一封电邮得知该公司曾受到大陪审团的调查。
- United Nations peacekeepers in Congo are under investigation on charges of exchanging food for gold with members of militias from neighboring Rwanda. 在刚果的联合国维持和平者被指控为黄金和来自附近的卢安达的义勇军的成员交换食物在调查之下。
- More than eighty cases are under investigation, dating back to the conflict between Argentina and Britain over the Falkland Islands. 80多起案件正在调查当中,这些案件可以追溯到英阿两国在福克兰群岛上的冲突时期。
- It says some 60 U.S. military personnel have been court-martialed in connection with the deaths of Iraqi citizens and more are under investigation. 它说,大约60个美国军方人员因涉嫌导致伊拉克平民死亡受到军事法庭审判,还有更多人员接受调查。
- Roma President Franco Sensi (pictured) and former Lazio chief Sergio Cragnotti are under investigation for alleged false accounting. 罗马主席森西、老克拉尼奥蒂正接受所谓的不明帐务调查。
- Researchers say no drugs have been clinically proven to prevent lung cancer among those at risk, but several are under investigation. 研究人员说一直没有药物被证实能预防高危人群发生肺癌,但有几种药物正在研究之中。
- The efficacy of local treatment of metastatic breast cancer and the potential of imaged-guided ablation of breast cancer are under investigation. 转移性乳癌的局部治疗,及影像指引下乳癌除去术的治疗效果尚在研究中。
- We don't want to be under anybody's thumb. 我们不想被任何人所控制。
- More than eighty cases are under investigation, dating back to the conflict between Argentina and Britain over the Falkland islandsIslands. 现在有超过80件案件在调查中,这些案件可以追溯到阿根廷和英国在福克兰群岛的冲突时期。
- The former President of South Korea Roh Moo-huyn who had been under investigation for alleged corruption has apparently committed suicide. 正在接受受贿调查的韩国前总统卢武铉去世,死因表面看来是自杀。
- The accident is under investigation. 这一事故正在调查之中。
- South Koreans have expressed deep shock at the apparent suicide of former President Roh Moo-hyun, who was under investigation for alleged corruption. 南韩民众已经表达了对于前总统卢武铉明显为自杀举动的震惊,卢武铉正在接受腐败调查。