- It was very cold; the water pipes were all iced up. 天非常冷,所有的水管全都冻上了。
- They will be very angry if you don't obey them. 如果你不服从他们,他们会很生气的。
- He was very angry, but he has quieted down now. 他刚才很生气,但现在已经平静下来了。
- Earth Commander was very angry with you yesterday. 因为您地球司令昨天非常生气。
- If you laugh at me, I'll be very angry. 要是你取笑我的话,我可是会很生气的。
- He was very angry and tore up the agreement. 他很生气,撕毁了合同。
- Ali, your father will be very angry. 你爸爸会非常生气的。
- My parents tend to be very angry at the smallest things. 我的父母很容易因为一些芝麻小事而生气。
- He was very angry,but be has quieted down now. 他刚才很生气,但现在已经平静下来了。
- My dad will go mental(= be very angry)when he finds out. 我父亲要是发现了,他会气疯的。
- He was very angry but soon came around after listening to the explanation. 他勃然大怒,但听了解释后不久气就消了。
- I will be very angry unless you have already spoken to her. 除非你已经对她说过了, 否则我会很生气。
- Cain was very angry and his face fell. 该隐很生气。他的脸沉了下来。
- Anyway, the trees were all burnt to dust. 总之,所有的树木被烧毁成灰。
- Fanny looked very angry too, and her husband was all in a fright at his sister's audacity. 范妮也显得气恼非常,而其丈夫大为妹妹的莽撞所惊吓。
- She was very angry and marched out of the door. 她怒冲冲地快步走出了门。
- Spunk up, everything will be all right. 别恢心,一切都会好起来的。
- Paul's mother was very angry at the intrusion. 保罗妈妈对这种干扰恼怒异常。
- I am very angry at his indifference. 他的冷漠真令我生气。
- She was very angry and marched out of the house. 她很生气,大步从屋里走了出去。