- The curtain was yellow with age. 窗帘因年久而呈现黄色。
- The fields were yellow with wheat. 麦田一片金黄。
- When they orchard yield will be gathered soon,and the fields beyond are yellow with cone. 果园将是个丰收的季节,玉米地里也是一片金黄色。
- The leaves of the book were yellowing with age. 书叶因年久而发黄。
- The manuscript was yellowed with age. 手稿困年久而发黄。
- The white shirt was yellowed with sweat. 白衬衫被汗水渍黄了。
- Its upper parts are olive-green and the underparts are yellow with an ochre tint to the breast. 它身体的上部是橄榄绿色的而下部是黄色的,胸部有一点淡赭色。
- The man's face was puce with rage. 那人的脸都气紫了。
- She was seething with rage at his remarks. 他的评论把她气得火冒三丈。
- He was completely tongue-tied with rage. 他气得一句话也讲不出来。
- His face turned purple with rage. 他气得脸色发紫。
- She was seething (with rage) at his remarks. 对於他的说法,她(气得)火冒三丈。
- I was gnashing my teeth with rage. 我咬牙切齿愤怒已极。
- He was champing with rage at the delay. 他对这一延误着急上火。
- He suddenly was berserk with rage. 他突然狂怒起来。
- I always suspected he was yellow. 我总怀疑他很胆小。
- His face was convulsed with rage. 他的脸因发怒而抽搐。
- If I lose you, my life will be yellow foliage. 如果我失去你,我的生命将变成枯黄的落叶。
- He was beside himself with rage when he saw the mess. 他看到一切都乱七八糟就勃然大怒。
- If I lose you,my life will be yellow foliage. 如果我失去你,我的生命将变成枯黄的落叶。