- It is said he has already been released from duty . 据说他已被免除职务了。
- It's said he has already been released from duty. 据说他已被解除职务。
- It's said he has already been released from duty [command]. 据说他已被解除职务[指挥职务]。
- The nurse is released from duty at seven o'clock . 这位护士7点钟下班。
- The nurse is released from duty at seven o' clock. 护士七点钟就下班了。
- The nurse is released from duty at seven o'clock. 这位护士7点钟下班。
- How soon can I be released from the hospital? 什么时候才能出院?
- How soon could I be released from the hospital ? 什么时候才能出院?
- She wished to be released from her contract. 她希望解除合同。
- He was released from prison after serving his sentence. 他刑满获释。
- You can be released from prison early for good behavior. 你可以因表现好提前释放。
- The judge ordered that prisoner be released from his bonds. 法官命令在交付保释金之后释放犯人。
- Eduardo will be released from hospital in a few days. 最近几天爱德瓦多将会出院。
- The young monk was released from his vows. 这位年轻的僧人被准许还俗。
- We are released from school at five o'clock. 我们五点钟放学。
- Will some poison gas, waste water or solid waste be released from your project? 您的项目向外界排放废气、废水或者废渣吗?
- He was released from his long captivity. 他被释放了,结束了他长期的被俘生活。
- The bird was released from the cage. 鸟从笼子里放出去了。
- Liquid:We are released from the bonds of fate. 我们不再是命运的奴隶了。
- Will some poison gas,waste water or solid waste be released from your project? 您的项目向外界排放废气、废水或者废渣吗?