- Give, if I go one year inside exercitation period if, should I bear legal responsibility? 给位,我如果一年实习期内走的话,我要负法律责任吗?
- Anyone who encroaches on the lawful rights and interests of the sites for religious activities shall bear legal responsibilities. 侵犯宗教活动场所的合法权益将承担法律责任。
- The entrusting administrative organ shall be responsible for supervising the imposition of administrative penalty by the entrusted organization and shall bear legal responsibility for the consequences of the imposition. 委托行政机关对受委托的组织实施行政处罚的行为应当负责监督,并对该行为的后果承担法律责任。
- Why International Corporations to Bear Legal Responsibility for Environment 跨国公司的环境法律责任缘起
- capacity of bearing legal responsibility 法律责任能力
- The New Thought of Bearing Legal Responsibility in Piercing the Corporate Veil 对公司法人格否认中法律责任承担方式的思考
- Ericsson assumes no legal responsibility for. 爱立信对。不负法律责任。
- Breach of incidental liability terne can cause the party concerned to bear remedy legal responsibility. 违反附随义务的法律责任在不同的阶段,具有不同的性质。
- I guarantee that the content given above is true and correct. I shall bear all the legal responsibility for the above information. 我保证以上所填内容真实。如有不实之处,本人愿意承担一切法律责任。
- I hereby declare that the above information is true, correct and complete, for which I shall bear all the legal responsibility. 我谨声明,以上所填内容真实完整,如有不实之处,本人愿承担一切法律责任。
- In most criminal jurisdictions, a degree of mental malfunctioning sufficient to relieve the accused of legal responsibility for the act committed. 精神失常在大部分刑事审判中,可以解除被告所犯罪行的法律责任的精神失常的程度
- I hereby declare that the information given above is true, correct and complete. I shall bear all the legal responsibility for the above information. 我谨声明我已如实和完整地填写了上述内容,并愿承担一切法律责任。
- I hereby declare that the information given above is true. I shall bear the legal responsibility for the above information. 我保证以上内容真实合法。如有不实之处,本人愿意承担由此导致的法律责任。
- These are challenging questions and the legal responsibility is an onerous one. 这些问题很具挑战性,涉及的法律责任也很繁复。
- I will be charged with all legal responsibility of this authorization. 我将承担此授权行为发生后所带来的一切法律责任。
- What legal responsibility shall be borne by enterprises for wrongful dismissal? 企业违法解除劳动合同应承担何种法律责任?
- Strictly observe the business of the first party secret , the active upkeep is violated if rights and interests of the first party, having , must bear legal liability. 严守甲方的业务机密,积极维护甲方的权益,如有违反,须承担法律责任。
- As stipulated in Chinese law,the environmental quality standards and pollutant discharge standards are compulsory standards,and those who violate these compulsory environmental standards must bear the corresponding legal responsibility. 中国法律规定,环境质量标准和污染物排放标准属于强制性标准,违反强制性环境标准,必须承担相应的法律责任。
- If an expert intentionally makes a false verification, he shall assume legal responsibility. 鉴定人故意作虚假鉴定的,应当承担法律责任。
- Article 44. Whoever,in violation of this Law,causes damage to natural resources like land,forests,grasslands,water,minerals,fish,wild animals and wild plants shall bear legal liability in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws. 第四十四条 违反本法规定,造成土地、森林、草原、水、矿产、渔业、野生动植物等资源的破坏的,依照有关法律的规定承担法律责任。