- All the dramatic personae are lithe and graceful girls. 温庭筠词的抒情主人公几乎都是曼妙的女子;
- Her movements in free gymnastics are lithe and graceful. 她的自由体操动作轻盈优美。
- Come out is luxuriant appearance, debus is flowery eye shadow, pick up boiler spoon gently, get ready lithe and graceful and delicate. 褪去华丽外衣,卸下绚丽眼影,轻拾锅勺,打点曼妙美味。
- Of pink department blend in, be just as the girl's feelings, the feeling that experiences boudoir is lithe and graceful. 粉红色系的融入,如同少女的情怀,体验一下闺房曼妙的感觉吧。
- Those model that carrying lithe and graceful bodily form are having special preference to edible tomato, because of it nutrition is abounded and low quantity of heat. 那些保持着曼妙体形的模特对食用西红柿有着非凡的偏爱,因为它营养丰富并且低热量。
- Wonderful unscramble: Black can foil most the beauty that gives flower pattern is colourful, fluctuant curve brings elegant and lithe and graceful flow sense, provide sexy amorous feelings extremely. 出色解读:黑色最能衬托出花朵图案的美艳,起伏的曲线带来优雅曼妙的流动感,极具性感风情。
- This style is beautiful and graceful. 这种样式既美观又大方。
- He is easy in conversation and graceful in manner. 他谈吐从容,举止优雅。
- She has a strikingly elegant and graceful bearing. 她风采动人。
- The dancer was light and graceful. 舞者的舞姿轻盈优美
- His dance movements are vigorous and graceful. 他的舞姿雄健优美。
- When you are melodiously singing, lithely and gracefully dancing, you ll remember that God loves you very much! 当您歌舞曼妙时,别忘了!上帝是多么地疼爱我们。
- The dancers were all tall and graceful. 这些舞蹈演员都个子高高的,动作十分优雅。
- And graceful fickle in the colorful lights. 七彩灯下婀娜的身姿。
- Her performance looks so relaxed and graceful. 她的表演看起来非常轻松、优美。
- Snowflake, facile and graceful from sky. 雪花,在天空中飘落下来。
- The lady of small waist is elegant and graceful. 这位女士柳腰袅袅,美丽妩媚。
- She looks like her mother, tall and graceful. (她长得像她的母亲,个子高高的,而且举止文雅。)
- lithe and graceful 婀娜多姿
- With tight structure and graceful outline. 结构紧凑,造型美观。