- You can also become homeless if you are too lazy. 如果你太懒惰,也可能会无处栖身。
- What are some reasons that people become homeless? 人们变成无家可归的原因有那些?
- Stringer says that anyone can become homeless. 可能任何一件事就会使你落到这种境地。
- The condition of having been displaced. 停职已被移位(撤换、免职)的状态
- The family evacuates their home and become homeless. 家庭撤出他们的家,成为无家可归者。
- I don't want to be displaced in your heart by that young fool. 我不希望我在你心中的地位被那位年轻的傻小子取代。
- If you are in the lower income echelon, you will go broke and become homeless. 如果你是低收入者,你会破产无家可归!
- A person who seems to be displaced in time,who belongs to another age. 一个好像与时代不合的人,属于另一个时代的人。
- Millions of refugees who were displaced by the war. 数以百万计的难民由于战争而离开家园
- People were displaced from their homes. 居民从他们的家乡迁出来。
- He was displaced by another young man. 他已被另一个年轻人顶替。
- Yes, and people's life in those countries are more difficult now. Many people become homeless. 是啊,那些国家的人民生活更加艰苦了。好多人都无家可归。
- Many employees were displaced by computers. 许多职员被计算机取代了。
- The refugees were displaced by the war. 战争使难民流离失所。
- The famine years in the past caused many people to break up their families and become homeless. 过去荒年暴月,弄得很多人妻离子散,无家可归。
- He was displaced from his place of employment. 他被迫离开他的工作岗位。
- Many refugees fleeting the ravages of war or civil strife may be displaced within their country. 许多躲避战争或内乱蹂躏的难民被迫在国内避难。
- The Brahmin Akkosaka Bharadvaja heard that the Brahmin of the Bharadvaja clan had gone forth and become homeless in the dispensation of the recluse Gotama. 二谗谤婆罗堕婆阇婆罗门,闻婆罗堕婆阇婆罗门于沙门瞿昙之处,由家[出]无家而出家。
- Look at that cliff. The layered rocks making up the cliff seem to be displaced along an inclined plane. 快看那座悬崖,组成悬崖的层状暑石似乎沿著一个倾斜面发生了错开位移。
- By the time the earthquake ended, millions of people became homeless. 到地震结束的时候,很多人变得无家可归。