- We visited the tomb of Shakespeare. 我们参观了莎士比亚的墓。
- They had dug out an ancient tomb. 他们已发掘到一座古墓。
- A tombstone stands in front of her tomb. 她墓前立着一块墓碑。
- Tokyo is a human beehive of a city. 东京是个像蜂窝般人囗集中而热闹的都市。
- A group of student placed a wreath at the tomb of the national hero. 一群学生在那位民族英雄墓前献上花圈。
- Let her try and make a beehive out of me. 就让她试试看,把我变成个蜂窝呀!
- The old linen smelled of the tomb. 旧亚麻布散发出墓地的气味。
- Sty fester how won't cure grow beehive to organize? 麦粒肿化脓了怎么治疗不会长蜂窝组织?
- They make a comparison of New York to a beehive. 他们把纽约比作一个蜂巢。
- Drupe egg form, shape is like beehive. 核果卵形,状如蜂窝。
- The fuzzy bee buzzed the buzzy busy beehive. 毛绒绒的蜜蜂在嗡嗡作响的忙碌的蜂箱里嗡嗡。
- I want to hit you into beehive coal. 我想把你打成蜂窝煤.
- "We're just about to kick a beehive. 我们就要捅马蜂窝了。”
- Observe the bees at work in the beehive. 观察在蜂箱中工作的蜜蜂。
- In this tomb lies the body of the Pharaoh. 这座坟墓里安放着法老的遗体。
- I was overwhelmed by the sight of the tomb. 我为这陵墓的景象所慑服。
- She placed a bunch of flowers at the tomb. 她在坟墓上放了一束花。
- A group of students placed a wreath at his tomb. 一群学生在他的墓前献上花圈。
- They found this authentic manuscript of the book from an ancient tomb. 他们从一个古墓里发现了该书的真正手稿。
- A group of students placed a wreath at the tomb of the national hero. 一群学生在那位民族英雄墓前献上花圈。