
[bentʃ]     [bentʃ]    
  • n. 长凳;工作台;法官
benched benched benching benches



n. (名词)
  1. 法官席,法官,全体法官
  2. 长凳,长椅,条凳
  3. 议席,议员席 ,席位
  4. 职位
  5. 法庭,法院
  6. <美>替补队员席,队员席
  7. 工作台,钳工台
  8. 船上的坐板
  9. 座,架
v. (动词)
  1. 在…放长凳,在...安置凳子,为…设条凳
  2. 给…以席位,使坐凳子上,使坐席位
  3. <美>换下(场上队员), 把(队员)调下来
  4. 【地】形成台地,形成(梯田)
  5. 使坐名誉席
  6. 摆上台展览
  7. 【体】使(比赛员)退场
  8. 使到职,就职
  9. 使…就位
  10. 在狗展览会上陈列(狗)
  11. 劝退某人, 让某人退出某事
  12. 放置(长凳)
  13. 坐(在长凳上)


n. (名词)
  1. [C]长凳,长椅; 工作台 a long usually wooden seat for two or more people, especially one used outdoors; a long heavy worktable
  2. [S]议员席; 法官,法官席; 法院 seat for a certain group of MPs; judge or the seat where a judge sit in the court; lawcourt
v. (动词)
  1. vt. 在…放置长凳; 供给长凳 place bench in some place; provide bench
  2. vt. 给…以席位 provide seat for sb
  3. vt. 把…换下; 罚…出场 cause sb to be out because of sth such as a foul
  4. vi. 当法官 serve as a judge


  1. a long seat for more than one person

  2. a level shelf of land interrupting a declivity (with steep slopes above and below)

  3. persons who administer justice

  4. a strong worktable for a carpenter or mechanic

  5. the magistrate or judge or judges sitting in court in judicial capacity to compose the court collectively

  6. the reserve players on a team;

    "our team has a strong bench"

  7. (law) the seat for judges in a courtroom

  1. take out of a game; of players

  2. exhibit on a bench;

    "bench the poodles at the dog show"



用作名词 (n.)
  1. This bench is made of elm.
  2. An old man sat on the park bench and fed the pigeon.
  3. A young woman, of sullen aspect, was sitting alone on the bench.
  4. I'm glad the new trainee is keen but I wish he'd stop hanging around my bench and getting in my hair.
  5. The bench read the sentence to the criminal.
  6. She has recently been appointed to the bench.


用作名词 (n.)
bench mark
    标准,规范 sth which can be used a standard by which other things judged or measured
on the bench
    当法官; 暂不参加比赛 serving as a judge or magistrate; not taking part in match temporarily
warm the bench
    替补,坐冷板凳 take the place of sb; hold title with a little or no duties


用作名词 (n.)
动词+~ 形容词+~ 名词+~ ~+名词 介词+~


  • The benches were of golde and siluer.

    出自:Bible (Coverdale): Esther
  • The small girls took their lessons seated on three benches arranged about the elm.

    出自: M. Spark
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