- Gordon: No, shine your flashlight on her big hat. 戈登:不,您应该用电筒照她的大帽子!
- I always wore at least my sunglasses and my big hat! 我起码都会戴上我的太阳镜和我的大帽子。
- A witch is an ugly, old woman.She has a big hat and a broomstick. 女巫是一个又老又丑的女人,头戴大帽子,手拿扫把。
- My view was blocked by the big hat of the woman sitting in front of me. 我的视线被坐在我前头的女人的帽子挡住了。
- He is a man of few words wearing a big hat and riding a horse under the wide open skies of America's West. 他是一个沉默寡言的人,戴着大大的帽子,骑着高头大马驰骋在美国西部广阔的蓝天下。
- NEVER: talk, wear a big hat, smoke or throw things during a movie. That is what a rude dude would do. 决不要:在看电影时不要谈话、大帽子、烟或乱扔东西。只有粗人才会那么做。
- My view of the stage was blocked by the big hat of the woman sitting in front of me. 我的视线被坐在前排妇女的大帽子遮住了, 看不见舞台。
- The revolutionary state, under whatever political label, has to be run-not by violent romantics-but by experts in marketing, sanitary engineering, and the management of bureaucracies. 无论贴着什么样的政治标签,革命后的国家都不是由激进的浪漫主义者来治理,而是由市场营销、卫生工程和管理官僚机构的专家来治理。
- Jane always love beautiful clothes and jewelery but in fact she is big hat, no cattle. 简总是喜欢光鲜的服装和宝石,可实际上她只是在打肿脸充胖子。
- The revolutionary state, under whatever political label, has to be run-not by violent romantics-but by experts in marketing, sanitary engineering, and the management of bureaucracies. 无论贴着什么样的政治标签,革命后的国家都不是由激进的浪漫主义者来治理,而是由市场营销、卫生工程和管理官僚机构的专家来治理。
- Andy always shows up as a millionaire in front of his new G.F.but he's just a nine-to-fiver---this is so said big hat,no cattle. 安迪总是在他新女友面前装作是百万富翁。但是他只是普通公职人员---这真是所谓的打肿脸充胖子。
- After all, the Grizzlies were just young fan Varick a big hat, and then get onto the Walker in the first section of the game of the third foul, which upset some of Yao Ming. 知耻而后勇,连续的失误和犯规让姚明清醒了过来,第三节进行至3分15秒,他禁区内勾手命中,半分钟又在篮下拿到2分,助火箭以68比64领先。
- Don't you try to intimidate people by pinning political labels on them. 别拿大帽子压人。
- There are many glaciers in Iceland. They are like big hats. 冰川是冰岛最大的特色。
- A big hat shades the eyes. 一顶大帽子遮住了眼睛。
- Some theorists and politicians try to intimidate people by pinning political labels on them. That is not a Right tactic but a "Left" one. 有些理论家、政治家,拿大帽子吓唬人的,不是右,而是“左”。
- Some theorists and politicians try to intimidate people by pinning political labels on them. 有些理论家、政治家,拿大帽子吓唬人。
- Miniskirts and cleavage won't work and neitherwill big hats or tailoring. 迷你裙和低胸衣都不合适,也决不要戴大帽子或穿定做的衣服。
- They then use the number and status of line strengths, in the area for me to wear the "angry friends Tsam attempted robbery," the big hat, frame-up line I will be moving around, I cut. 随后他们利用人数和行会地位的优势,在区里给我扣上了“抢朋友怒斩未遂”的大帽子,陷害我并动行会到处砍我。
- The notice issued by the Propaganda department of Yunan Province has stirred up a critical reflection of the political labeling of the mass as “ignorant of the truth and facts”. 云南省委宣传部门的通知,激起了对一张“不明真相”的政_治和社会标签的检讨。