- [美]遗产税, 继承税(英国称death-duty或estatetax)inheritance tax
- Ratio方法Fisher ratio method
- [美]遗产税, 继承税(英国称death-duty 或estate tax)inheritance tax
- Ratio算子Ratio detector
- C/N ratio碳氮比
- 脑缺血可以导致迟发性神经元死亡(delayed neuronal death,DND)。Emerging studies now suggest that cerebral ischemia can induce delayedneuronal death (DND).
- G/E ratio粒细胞红细胞比率
- 死亡相关蛋白3(Death associated protein 3,DAP3)在胃癌中的表达及其意义Expression of Death Associated Protein 3 (DAP3) in Human Gastric Cancer and Its Significance
- G/N ratio糖氮比率
- P/O ratio磷氧比值
- 烟草低头黑病(Tobacco Black Death Disease)是发生在山东烟区的主要病害之一。Tobacco Black Death Disease is one of the important tobacco diseases in Shandong Province.
- F-ratio准则F.ratio criterion
- 死亡相关蛋白激酶1(death-associated protein kinasel, DAP-kinasel)为细胞凋亡正调控因子。DAP-kinasel (death-assosiated protein kinasel) is a tumor suppressor gene and also a proapoptotic gene, which is mapped at 9q34. 1 of the chromosome 9 and encodes a 160-kD protein.
- log-ratio算子log-ratio operator
- 目的:冠心病猝死(sudden coronary death,SCD)在法医学实践中非常常见,占到心性猝死的 80%以上。Objective: The patients with sudden coronary death (SCD) iscommonly seen in forensic practice, accounting for 80%25 of sudden cardiacdeath.
- Ratio值累积法ratio accumulation method
- 研究背景:冠心病猝死(sudden coronary death,SCD)在法医学实践中常见,占到心源性猝死的50%以上。Background: The patients with sudden coronary death (SCD) are commonly seen in forensic practice, accounting for 50%25 of sudden cardiac death.
- form ratio (河流)深宽比
- root/shoot ratio根-冠比
- mills ratio米尔比率