- Her decision to wear only black clothes was pure caprice. 她决定只穿黑衣服完全是忽发奇想。
- She always wears black(= black clothes). 她总是穿黑色衣服。
- Arabian women are always dressed in black clothes. 穿黑色衣服。
- He likes wearing black clothes . 他喜欢穿黑色的衣服。
- A: Yes, I want to buy a pair of black cloth shoes. 甲:是的,我想买一双黑步鞋。
- Her decision to wear only black clothes is pure caprice. 她决定只穿黑衣服完全是忽发奇想。
- People wear black clothes at serious or formal ceremonies. 人们在严肃和正式的场合穿黑色服装。
- I saw a black carriage covered with a black cloth passing by. 我看见一辆罩着黑布的黑马车跑过。
- Conventional outward signs of grief for the dead, such as a black armband or black clothes. 戴孝为哀悼死者而采用的一种传统的标志,如戴在臂上的黑纱或黑衣服
- Diamonds look best when they are set against black cloth. 钻石在黑布的映衬下最好看。
- Ling Feng covered the birdcage with a piece of black cloth. 凌锋用一块黑布将鸟盖上了。
- To show grief for a death by conventional signs,as by wearing black clothes. 服丧对死者表示哀悼而戴上传统标记,如别一块黑布等
- To show grief for a death by conventional signs, as by wearing black clothes. 服丧对死者表示哀悼而戴上传统标记,如别一块黑布等
- The black clothing sets off your white skin color. 青衣把你的肤色映衬得很白。
- They could see it clearly because of the black cloth in the background. 由于背景是黑布,所以她们能够很清楚的看见此景。
- Conventional outward signs of grief for the dead,such as a black armband or black clothes. 戴孝为哀悼死者而采用的一种传统的标志,如戴在臂上的黑纱或黑衣服
- Black is restrained, depressive and hard to ponder.Many people wear black clothes to hide the wound. 黑色是收敛的,沉郁的,难以琢磨的。很多有伤口的人,只穿黑色的衣服。因为这样不容易让别人看到疼痛。
- Last seen wearing: Black clothes, black pants a white hat with red flower pattern. 最后露面时的衣著:头戴白色红花帽,身穿黑裤及黑衫。
- Goth music: dark depressing music listened to by people who always wear black clothes. 哥特音乐:由总是穿黑色衣服的人听的压抑,沉闷的音乐。
- As a result, the doctor was also wearing black clothes and holding a black umbrella, with her squatting over there. 于是那位医生也穿黑色的衣服,拿著黑色的雨伞,和她一起蹲在那边。