- Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension. 无法通过给定的扩展名确定设备类型。
- Cannot read the device type from the media.INI file. 无法从媒体.;INI文件中读取设备类型。
- There is no icon that represents this device or device type. 没有代表这个设备或设备类型的图标。
- Each device controller is in charge of a particular device type. 每一设备控制器负责一个设备类型。
- A device type corresponds to a single delivery channel. 一种设备类型对应一个传递通道。
- The media.INI file refers to an unknown device type.media. INI文件引用未知的设备类型。
- ISA Plug and Play support Block devices! 一些比较冷门的储存机器!如果不确定的话,直接编译成模组吧!没关系的!
- Cannot read the device type from the media .INI file. 无法从媒体INI文件中读取驱动器类型。
- An EFI-defined System Partition is required by EFI to boot from a block device. EFI 必须有一个 EFI 定义的系统分区才能从块设备引导。
- The media .INI file refers to an unknown device type. 媒体INI文件提供了一个未知的驱动器类型。
- CF is a type of NOR flash and it cannot be directly supported by JFFS/JFFS2. It supports the normal file systems by introducing the FTL, or with MTD emulation using block device, it is feasible to put the JFFS/JFFS2 file systems on CF. CF是一种或非闪存,芯片内部使用了FTL的技术,无法直接被JFFS/JFFS2支持,只能在其上使用普通的文件系统或通过一种技术将其模拟成JFFS/JFFS2支持的MTD设备。
- Block devices include both IDE and SCSI based devices. 块设备包括IDE与SCSI设备。
- In the device list, expand the device type branch that you want to work with. 在设备列表中,展开要使用的设备类型分支。
- In the left pane, open the folder corresponding to your device type. 在左窗格中,打开对应于您的设备类型的文件夹。
- The Device Manager has requested the driver to add an unknown device type. 设备管理器已请求驱动程序添加一个未知设备类型。
- You ll need at least one allocation group for every 4 GB of capacity in your target block device. 您需要使得您的目标块设备中每4 GB容量至少有一个分配组。
- You must delete a device type before you will be allowed to add any further! 必须先删除某个已有的设备类型才能添加其他设备类型!
- The JBD has been designed for the express purpose of implementing a journal on any kind of block device. JBD被设计成在任何块设备上实现日志的特殊目的。
- In addition, XFS allows the journal to be stored on another block device, such as a partition on another disk. 另外,XFS允许将日志存储在另一个块设备上,例如,另一个磁盘上的一个分区。
- Network device type is incorrect. Be sure you typed it correctly. 网络设备类型不对。确认您键入的正确。