- Wild flowers blossom everywhere. 野花遍地。
- The country is covered with wild flowers.; Wild flowers blossom everywhere. 野花遍地。
- Pink roses blossom everywhere in the valley.People start to gather roses before the sun rises. 玫瑰虽然好闻好看,但采摘玫瑰却是个苦差事。玫瑰枝上长满了刺,采花者的双手常会被刺得流血。
- Fly, fly, over the field of life, your wish will take root and blossom everywhere, just like this small flower of dandelion. 飞吧,飞吧,在生活的田野上,你的愿望,像这蒲公英的小绒花,将落地生根,遍地开花。。。。。。
- Poplar road, thoroughfare Avenue, rapid development in recent years, where a, where a gradual upgrade, blossom everywhere , faster. 白杨公路,通衢大道,近年发展迅猛,这里一处,那里一道,逐步升级,遍地开花,来得快。
- Dynamoelectric bicycle market produced the change of world-shaking in several short years, today's dynamoelectric bicycle has been blossom everywhere. 电动自行车市场在短短的数年中发生了翻天覆地的变化,今天的电动自行车已经是遍地开花了。
- And asters blossom everywhere, alongthe roadsides, in meadows, on the hilltops, even in city lots,raging in color from pure white through all degrees of lavender tothe royal New England purple. 时而如山核树上的松鼠,忙得不亦乐乎;时而如慵懒的小溪,汩汩流淌。夏季的成熟与丰饶成就了甜美的九月。
- And asters blossom everywhere, along the roadsides, in meadows, on the hilltops, even in city lots, raging in color from pure white through all degrees of lavender to the royal New England purple. 而紫苑花更是四处可见,马路边,草地里,山尖上,甚至城市的空地上。颜色则从纯白开始,到深浅不一的淡紫,直至新英格兰皇家紫。
- Beijing lacks water, but not cloggy people is right of water scene address yearning, accordingly, "Shui Jinghao curtilage " like emerge the ground is in capital blossom everywhere. 北京缺水,但并不妨碍人们对水景住址的向往,因此,“水景豪宅”如雨后春笋般地在京城遍地开花。
- Beautiful Malan flowers were blossoming everywhere on Malan Mountain, and hard-working girl Xiao Lan was married to the god of flowers, Ma Lang. 马兰山上,到处开满了美丽的马兰花,勤劳的采花女小兰嫁给了花神马郎。
- Make Flowers of Scientific and Technological Innovation Blossom Everywhere 让科技创新之花遍地开放
- There are many pear trees covered in blossom. 那里有许多开满花的梨树。
- Sue was troubled to see trash everywhere. 苏看到到处是垃圾很苦恼。
- The sunshine will bring out the blossom. 阳光将使花朵开放。
- I looked everywhere for my lost key. 我到处寻找我丢失的钥匙。
- The tree was covered with beautiful pink blossom. 这树开满了美丽的粉红色的花。
- Everywhere we go, people are much the same. 无论我们到何处,我们发现人几都一样。
- I was looking everywhere for Jenny. 我到处找詹妮。
- The flowers are blooming everywhere. 鲜花到处盛开。
- He's my alter ego, we go everywhere together. 他是我的知己--彼此形影不离。