- This balance is made of tool steel. 这架天平是用工具钢制成的。
- Crucible process: Technique for producing cast or tool steel. 坩埚法: 生产优质钢或工具钢的工艺。
- Tool steel is generally purchased in the annealed condition. 工具钢通常是在退火后买卖。
- A few years ago there were two kinds of steel,machine steel and tool steel. 几年前钢仅有两类:机器钢和工具钢。
- A few years ago there were two kinds of steel, machine steel and tool steel. 几年前钢仅有两类:机器钢和工具钢。
- The thread rolling tap is made by tool steel or alloy, the precision is H4. 是指用工具钢、合金钢制造的滚牙(或切牙)丝锥;精度为H4.
- Type: High Strength Cold Work Tool Steels. 类型:高强度冷作工具钢。
- A solid solution of iron and up to 1 percent of carbon, the chief constituent of hardened carbon tool steels. 马氏本,马登斯体一种由铁和高达百分之一的碳组成的溶液,是硬化碳工具钢的主要成分。
- It is reported that W, Cr, V, Mo in high speed tool steel were determined satisfactorily by ICP-OES. 摘要采用ICP-OES法同时测定高速工具钢中钨、铬、钒、钼元素的含量。
- Carbon tool steel for small production to be quenched in oil, easy to heat-treat. 小批量生产用碳素工具钢,油淬钢,易热处理。
- Buttons are encouraged when piloting in hardened tool steel, based on design constraints. 设计上应限制:在热处理后的模板上导正时应使用嵌套。
- All wire burned sections are to be mounted in hardened tool steel with hardened backing plate. 所有的线割入子必须安装在热处理的模板上并有热处理后的支撑板。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- All high-quality tool steel and high-speed steel was long made by the crucible process. 在很长的一段时间内,所有优质工具钢和高速钢都是用坩埚法熔炼。
- Anvil Roller uses the best available high speed tool steel, fully hardened to 62+ Rockwell. 模切底辊选用高品质的高速工具钢,真空热处理至62洛氏硬度之上已确保其耐磨性。
- Punches and stamp retainers will be backed by hardened and ground tool steel plates ?” minimum thickness. 在冲头及压印固定器后必须垫一块热处理及研磨的模板,模板厚度至少为?”.
- The material is 801 Tool Steel, the finish is buffed and polished, then Black Oxide. 材料为801号工具钢;成品必须经打磨及抛光;然后黑色氧化处理.
- The carbon tool steel was quenched into the different concentration of calcium chloride watery solution. 对碳素工具钢采用不同浓度的氯化钙水溶液进行淬火。
- On the one hand,the material of formational part chooses hardening alloy tool steel to save steel. 一方面成形部分材料选用淬火合金工具钢,可节约钢材;
- This cloth has a pattern of blue and white squares. 这种布有蓝白格子的图案。