- Hypocrite and toady and inebriate! 伪君子,谄媚者和醉鬼!
- Don't boast and don't be modest. 不要自夸,也不要太谦虚。
- As it is, you boast and brag. All such boasting is evil. 现今你们竟以张狂跨口。凡这样跨口都是恶的。
- be good at boasting and toadying 能吹会拍
- Have I boasted and been prideful for my gifts? 我是否曾经因所得的恩赐而自夸、自大?
- A boaster and a liar are cousi -german. 吹牛与说谎本是同宗。
- A boaster and a liar are cousins-germen. 吹牛与说谎本是同宗。
- A boaster and a liar ar Woman e cousins-german. 吹牛与说谎本是同宗。
- A boaster and a liar are cousins-german. 吹牛与说谎本是同宗。
- A boaster and a liar are cousins-ge***an. 吹牛与说谎本是同宗。
- A boaster and a liar are cousins. 吹牛和说谎本是同宗。
- English: A boaster and a liar are cousins-german. 中文:吹牛者和撒谎者是表兄弟。
- A boaster and a liar are all one. 自夸者和撒谎者是孪生兄弟。
- English: A boaster and a liar are all one. 中文:吹牛者和撒谎者是一路货。
- I think: Not because we worship foreign things And toady to foreign powers, but the passion in our heart always needs to look for reason release. 我个人认为:不是我们崇洋媚外,而是我们的心中的激情总是需要找理由释放。
- They have bitter zeal, contention in their hearts, and boast and lie against the truth. 他们用他们虚伪的热情,在他们心中狡辩,用骄狂和谎言来对抗真理。
- We should get rid of proneness to boasting and exaggeration. 我们应当去掉浮夸作风。
- But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart, do not boast and lie against the truth. 但你们心里若怀著苦毒的嫉妒和私图好争,就不要再夸口,也不要再说谎抵挡真理了。
- Those people who love boast and talking tall,they often betray their real ability from an insignificant thing. 那些爱吹牛说大话的人,常常夸海口能做大事,却在一些微不足道的事情上暴露了本质。
- Bad habits like empty talk,boasting and lying must be stamped out. 说空话、说大话、说假话的恶习必须杜绝。