- Braised Duck Feet with Sea Cucumber 刺参扣鸭掌
- Braised Duck Meat with Sea Cucumber 鸭汁鲜凫乌龙
- Braised Duck with Black Mushrooms and Vegetables 北菇扒大鸭
- He larded the duck with pig fat to make it tasty. 他给鸭肉加了点猪油使它美味可口。
- braised duck with mixed vegetables 罗汉扒鸭
- Braised Duck with Shredded Konjak 魔芋烧鸭
- Braised Duck with Dried Bamboo Shoot in Clay Pot 笋干老鸭煲
- Braised duck with dried bamboo sheets 杭帮老鸭汤
- Braised goose webs with sea cucumber and fish maw. 花胶海参烩鹅掌。
- Braised duck with green scallion 京葱全鸭
- Braised duck with red rice sauce in shanghai style 老上海酱鸭
- Braised duck with swe sauce in Shanghai style 本帮酱鸭
- Braised Duck with Preserved Vegetables 冬菜扣大鸭
- braised duck with vegetarian dish 罗汉扒鸭
- They think that it could be a huge, unknown kind of sea slug. 他们认为"尼西"可能是一种庞大的、还不为人类所知的海蛞蝓。
- The mother regaled the boys with sea stories. 妈妈讲的航海故事使孩子们很高兴。
- The special today is pressed duck with walnuts. 今天的特色菜是桃仁酥鸭。
- Gazes the horizon with sea winds in his face. 海风袭面,满脸风霜凝视海平面。
- The Duck with Chinese Caterpillar Fungus? 虫草鸭子?那是一种保健食品,对吧?
- So a sea slug could shape its body into the one, two, three or more humps that different people say they have seen. 因此,象不同的人所说的那样,海蛞蝓也应该能将它的身体形成一个、二个、三个或更多个的驼峰形隆肉形式。