- War always brings fire and sword. 战争总是带来烧杀毁灭。
- Rifles and cannons volleyed on all sides. 枪炮向各方面齐发。
- I saw flashes of the rifles and heard the reports. 我看见了来福枪的闪光,然后是爆炸声。
- Load your rifles and fire at will. 把枪装上子弹,这样就可以随意射击了。
- The performer juggled with knives and swords. 表演者耍弄刀剑。
- People trafficking in obsolete rifles and pistols clearly still find a market for them. 非法倒卖老式步枪和手枪的人很明显地还有市场。
- They put all to fire and sword wherever they went. 他们走到哪里,就把那里的一切烧光杀光。
- The soldiers couched their rifles and prepared to charge. 士兵们将步枪放平准备冲锋。
- The hunter steadied his rifle and fired. 猎人端稳了猎枪,然后开了火。
- Let fire and sword do their worst! 让火与剑发挥威力吧!
- Products: green soya bean, peapod and sword bean. 主要产品:毛豆、荷仁豆、青刀豆。
- The local farmers had armed themselves with rifles and pistols. 当地农民已经用步枪和手枪武装起来。
- The safe had been rifled and many documents taken. 保险箱遭到搜劫,许多文件被盗走了。
- Shields are also used alongside both sticks and swords. 盾牌也都一起使用棍棒和剑。
- They swayed as they sang, carrying swords and rifles and performing a traditional dance of tribesman going off to war or returning home. 他们载歌载舞,手持刀剑和步枪,表演了部落男子奔赴战场或返回家园的传统舞蹈。
- They were armed with a long spear or pike and sword. 他们装备着长矛、长枪或剑。
- Thrust: To extend the arm and sword toward the opponent. 刺:把臂和剑伸向对方。
- In their withdrawal,the enemy left behind thousands of rifles and machine guns. 敌人在撤退时,丢下了数千支步枪和机枪。
- Have you taken your rifle and equipment? 你带着步枪和弹药吗?
- Well skilled troops armed with a crossbow and sword and armoured in plate. 冒险者弩兵训练有素,装备弩弓、长剑和板甲。