- When is it justified to break rules? 什么时候破坏规则是正当的?
- I make it a rule to take a short walk after lunch. 我习惯在午饭后散散步。
- It's against the rule to pick up the ball. 捡球是犯规的。
- The government decided to promote public welfare. 政府决定发展公共福利。
- He's made it a rule to rise early. 他已养成早起的习惯。
- Your job is to promote the new product. 你的工作是促销这一新产品。
- He makes it a rule to keep record on every experiment. 每次做实验都要记录,这成了他的习惯。
- The aim of the conference is to promote international friendship. 会议的目的是增进国际间的友谊。
- Let it be constant rule to scrub the boards the right way; that is lengthways. 地板永远要朝适当的方向去擦,也就是要顺着的方向去擦。
- The dean severely censured the students for breaking rules. 教务长严厉批评学生违反规章制度。
- He likes to read biographies of great men to promote himself. 他喜欢读伟人传记来提高自己。
- give sb. and accelerated promotion;Break (bend) a rule to promote sb 破格晋升
- The club applied the rules to new members only. 俱乐部仅对新会员实行这些规定。
- The meeting discussed how to promote peace. 会议讨论了如何促进和平。
- You can't stretch the rules to suit yourself. 你不能改变规则使它适合于自己。
- They wanted to promote a new business company. 他们要筹设一家新的商行。
- You can' t stretch the rules to suit yourself. 你不能为你自己而牵强附会解释这些规章.
- I make it a rule to write an essay every week. 我把每周写一篇文章做为一项固定的事情。
- To promote to a higher yet less desirable position. 明升暗降提升到较高但极不理想的职位
- We should break rules and regulations as well as pursue courageous reforms. 我们要突破条条杠杠的束缚,勇于改革。