- bring vexation on oneself; worry over for nothing 自寻烦恼
- Why to want to bring vexation on self? 为什么要自寻烦恼呢?
- Why is the person always met bring vexation on self? 为什么人总会自寻烦恼?
- Enjoy holidays with normal attitude and never bring vexation on yourself when free; advance farther with strong ambition and take new steps when busy. 闲时抱平常心享受假日休闲毋自寻烦恼;忙时用超强斗心推前浪,迈开新步伐。
- Am I a troublesome person really? The chaos that do not have a thing thinks, bring vexation on self, how should I do ability to think not foolishly? 我真的是个麻烦的人吗?没事乱想,自寻烦恼,我要怎么办才能不瞎想?
- One shouldn't be too hard on oneself. 一个人不应该太难为自己。
- To have(a title, for example) bestowed on oneself. 拥有头衔具有授予自己的(例如头衔)
- It would be better to rely on oneself than on others. 与其求人,何如自力更生。
- Yesterday I heated mills four times, not always because I wanted to drink it but to ease my vexation on a windy day. 次数虽煨得多,却不定是要吃,这只不过是一个人在刮风天为免除烦恼的养气法子。
- The life is like the masturbation, what have to depend on oneself the hands. 生活就像自慰,什麽都得靠自己双手。
- Snobbishness, looking down on others, is one of the worst forms of rudeness, because it puts such a ridiculous value on oneself. 热利眼,看不起人,是最糟糕的无礼行为之一,因为他们自以为是到可笑的地步。
- He always bring a canteen with him on a hike. 他作徒步旅行时总是带着水壶。
- This idiom indicates a condition of being over suspicious bringing trouble on oneself. 这个成语比喻疑神疑鬼,自相惊扰。
- It's necessary to reflect on oneself, help each other and conduct by experts in Internet. 网络为校本教研实现“促进自我反思、同伴互助和专家引领”提供了必要的条件。
- Reading in a poor light may bring on a headache. 在昏暗的灯光下看书会引起头疼。
- Joyful is one mood, joyful is not others gives, but is depends on oneself feels! 快乐是一种心情,快乐不是别人给予的,而是靠自己去感受到的!
- The speedy thoroughbred depend on oneself to rush out, don't depend a Bole to come out. 千里马是靠自己跑出来的,不是靠伯乐封出来的。
- His old man's house said, I also had to depend on oneself of imagination go to exertive. 他老人家没说,我也只得靠自己的想象去发挥了。
- He reported on the whole event to the minister. 他把整个事件向部长做了汇报。
- My future is not a dream, the dream is visional, and the future of everybody is rely on his hard effort to get, the both hands that relies on oneself goes altering his future. 我的未来不是梦,梦是虚幻的,而每个人的未来都是靠自己的辛劳努力得到的,靠自己的双手去改变自己的未来.