- n. 气泡;泡影
- v. 起泡;冒泡;充满...感情
- 沸腾(声)
- 安全室,防窃听密室
- 泡,气泡,水泡
- 虚幻之事,靠不住的计划,泡影,泡沫
- 泡状物
- 透明圆形罩,圆形顶
- 冒泡(声)
- 泡泡发型
- 幻想,妄想
- 欺诈性的投机事业
- 使冒泡
- 汩汩地流,潺潺地流
- 沸腾 ,发出沸腾声
- 兴致勃勃地说,滔滔不绝地讲(话)
- 起泡,冒泡
- 充满生气,情绪高涨
- 沸沸地响,发噗噗声, 咯咯地笑
- 骗, 欺哄,哄骗,诈取,骗取
- 兴奋,欢闹,充满生气,情绪高涨
- 发出冒泡的声音
- 充溢,(情感等)激动
- 使(婴儿)打嗝
- 招摇骗人的
- 虚妄的
- [C]泡,水泡,气泡 a hollow ball of air or gas in a liquid
- [C]泡影,幻想 sth which is unsteady,risky, or unlikely to last
- vt. & vi. 起泡,使冒气泡 make bubbles in; rise in bubbles
a hollow globule of gas (e.g., air or carbon dioxide)
a speculative scheme that depends on unstable factors that the planner cannot control;
"his proposal was nothing but a house of cards"
"a real estate bubble"
an impracticable and illusory idea;
"he didn't want to burst the newcomer's bubble"
a dome-shaped covering made of transparent glass or plastic
form, produce, or emit bubbles;
"The soup was bubbling"
flow in an irregular current with a bubbling noise;
"babbling brooks"
rise in bubbles or as if in bubbles;
"bubble to the surface"
cause to form bubbles;
"bubble gas through a liquid"
expel gas from the stomach;
"In China it is polite to burp at the table"
- A bubble will burst at the slightest touch.
气泡稍微一碰就破。 - As a stock market bubble is taking shape, the investors should take precautions against the risks.
股市泡沫正在形成,投资者应该防范风险。 - His hope vanished like a bubble.
他的希望化作泡影。 - He didn't want to burst the newcomer's bubble.
- The water in the pan was beginning to bubble.
锅里的水开始起泡。 - The gas bubbled to the surface of the water.
气体变成气泡升上水面。 - The water began to bubble in the teapot.
水在茶壶里开始沸腾。 - On hearing the news, he was bubbling over with excitement.
- blow bubbles 吹泡泡,空论,空想
- burst a bubble 戳破泡泡
- prick a bubble 戳破泡泡
- soap bubbles 肥皂泡
- bubble gum 泡泡糖
- bubble world 空虚的世界
- bubble off 形成泡溢出
- bubble out 噗噗地涌出
- bubble over 煮沸溢出
- bubble up 冒泡,冒气泡,像泡一样冒起
- bubble with joy 得意洋洋
In 1837 he lost some money by speculating in one of the many bubble companies of that year.
出自: E. Linklater -
Yon swoll'n brook that bubbles fast.
出自: Tennyson -
Wild thoughts bubbled within her.
出自: C. Kingsley -
The silver bubbling of a thrush.
出自: P. G. Wodehouse -
A spring comes bubbling up there.
出自: J. Masefield
- boil 沸腾
- effervesce 起泡沫
- fizz (液体)(发)嘶嘶声...
- simmer 炖
- burble 冒泡
- globule (液体的)小球体...
- blob 小圆块
- droplet 小滴
- sphere 范围
- glob 一滴
- spherule 小球
- roll 卷
- froth 泡
- drop 落下
- bead 珠子
- spheroid 球状体
- hole 洞
- vacuum 真空
- spume 泡沫
- ball 球
- bleb 疮疹
- foam 泡沫
- ellipsoid (几何)椭圆体...
- popple 波动
- seethe 沸腾
- tear 撕掉
- gutta [建]圆锥饰
- percolate 过滤
- defect 缺点
- oval 卵形的
- opening 开口
- orb 球
- imperfection 不完美
- delusion 错觉
- air pocket (大气中使飞机突然下跌的...
- air hole 通气孔
- air 空气
- pocket 口袋
- ripple 涟漪
- guggle (人高兴)发出咯咯声...
- belch 打嗝
- eruct 打嗝
- gurgle 汨汨地流
- babble 含糊不清地说...
- house of cards 纸牌屋
- burp 饱嗝儿