- Export picked up by a large margin. 出口大幅度回升
- National tax revenue grew by a large margin every year. 国家税收连年大幅度增长。
- I agree that I have increased my price by a large margin. 我承认我们大幅度提高了价格,
- Las Vegas handicapped the underdogs by a large margin. 拉斯维加斯对失败者落井下石。
- Our school's enrollment quotas have surged by a large margin. 学校升学率大幅度跃升。
- Savings deposits and loans of financial institutions increased by a large margin. 金融机构存贷款增加较多。
- Today, in the period of global economy glissade, whether or not will China loosen the exchange rate of RMB by a larger margin? 今天,在全球经济下滑的时候,中国会不会更大幅度地放开人民币的汇率?
- Utilization of foreign capitals: Utilization of foreign capitals grew by a large margin. 利用外资: 利用外资有较大幅度增长。
- Amazing performance. No Yao, and McGrady has a horrible offensive game, but the Rockets still win by a large margin. 惊人之极的表演。没有姚明,而且麦蒂的进攻那么糟糕,但是火箭还是以大比分获胜了。
- But investors grumble that the company's share price underperforms those of its European rivals by a large margin. 但是投资者抱怨说公司的股价表现不佳,大幅低于欧洲的对手。
- The tobacco growers had a good harvest this year, and their living conditions are improved by a large margin. 今年烟农大获丰收,生活得到很大到改善。
- This year's deposit interest rate for US dollars will not be adjusted by a large margin. 今年美元的存息将不会有大幅调整。
- With the improvement in production technology, the added value of the production volume increasesed by a large margin. 由于生产技术的改进,产量的增加值大幅度提高。
- Europe's Ryder Cup team this goal is achieved four victories in the last two games, they won by a large margin. 欧洲队本届莱德杯的的目标是取得四连胜,在过去两届比赛中,他们都以大比分获胜。
- Tax revenue increased by a large margin, and national revenue reached 1.6371 trillion yuan, increasing by 240 billion yuan in calculated terms. 税收大幅度增长,全国财政收入达到16371亿元,按可比口径增加2400亿元。
- The meeting carried the motion by a large majority. 会议以多数通过了这项提议。
- The suggestion was voted down by a large majority. 这项建议以较大的多数否决了。
- Tax revenue increased by a large margin,and national revenue reached 1.6371 trillion yuan,increasing by 240 billion yuan in calculated terms. 税收大幅度增长,全国财政收入达到16371亿元,按可比口径增加2400亿元。
- The completed area of growing forest of state key forestry projects was over 11.0 million hectares,an increase by a large margin over that in 1997. 全国重点林业工程完成森林抚育面积1100 万公顷以上,比上年有较大幅度增长。
- There is a large country house surrounded by a manor. 那儿是一所庄园大宅第。