- Put the two tables end to end over by the window. 把这两张桌子连接起来放在窗子旁边。
- He put his textbooks on the table by the window. 他把课本放在窗边的桌上。
- The bird perched on a cedar by the window. 鸟栖息在窗前的雪松树上。
- Jason stood by the window, itching for the arrival of Mary. 贾森站在窗口,急切地等待着玛丽的到来。
- He stood by the window, itching for the arrival of the postman. 他站在窗口,渴望着邮递员的到来。
- His glance roved the boy sitting by the window. 他的目光转来转去地看着坐在窗户旁边的男孩。
- She just sits by the window and dreams away. 她就坐在窗旁,遐想着。
- I noticed her standing by the window. 我注意到她正站在窗户旁。
- Could we have a table over there by the window? 我们可以坐那儿窗边的桌子吗?
- I am afraid all the tables by the window are taken. 恐怕窗边的桌子都占满了。
- I can find two tables by the window for you. 我可以为你们安排两靠窗的桌子。
- The window glass has been broken by the hailstones. 冰雹砸碎了窗户玻璃。
- He ask for a table by the window. 他要一个紧靠窗户的餐桌。
- Well,can I have that table by the window? 哦,能给我一张靠窗的桌子吗?
- Uh, I'd like to request a seat by the window. 嗯,我想要靠窗边的位置。
- Why do you sit by the window and dream away? 你为什么坐在窗边发呆呀?
- He sat by the window in raw sunlight. 他靠窗坐着,连晒在身上的阳光也是凉飕飕的。
- B: Please ask the boy to stand by the window. 请叫那个男孩站在窗边。
- Can I have a table by the window? 斯: 我能要一张靠窗的桌子吗?
- Can I have the table by the window? 我可以坐窗边的那张桌子吗?