- She feel sick and go to lie down in her cabin. 她感觉有些恶心,回她的房舱去躺下休息了。
- The cabin was stowed with supplies for the trip. 舱里装满了航行用的必需品。
- There is a bush of bramble in front of the cabin. 小木屋前有一丛黑莓。
- The cabin has a flat stone for a threshold. 这间小屋用一条扁平的石头做门槛。
- A small cabin or the cook's galley on a ship. 小舱室,厨房船上的小舱室或厨房
- Cabin light will be dim for takeoff. 机舱灯将会因飞机起飞而变暗。
- A ramshackle cabin in the woods. 林中一间要倒塌的棚屋
- He made out of the cabin at once on hearing the siren. 他一听到汽笛声就立即走出船舱。
- That jerry-built cabin will blow apart in a strong wind. 那间草草建起的小屋一阵强风就会被吹走的。
- A small card or plaque, such as a nameplate on a door. 小牌一种小卡片或牌,如门上的姓名牌
- Joe was chopping at a tree when I walked past his log cabin. 我走经乔的小木屋时,他在砍树。
- One feels cooped up in a cabin on board a ship. 在船的舱房中使人有受拘禁之感。
- She feels sick and goes to lie down in her cabin. 她感觉有些恶心,回她的房舱去躺下休息了。
- He found a level site to build the cabin. 他找到盖小屋用的平坦地点。
- We see a few cabin by the edge of the thick forest. 我们在密林边缘看见几间小木屋。
- The lavatories are at the rear of the cabin. 盥洗室在机舱的尾部。
- We teamed up together and began making cabin. 我们共同合作开始制造游艇。
- He was wearing a nameplate on his left breast. 他左胸前佩带着一张名牌。
- The nameplate was fastened on the gatepost. 名牌被钉牢在门柱上。
- The airplane cabin depressurized immediately. 机舱里的气压立即降了下来。