- Laws relating to what can or cannot do on a Sunday. 与星期日能做什么不能做什么有关的法律.
- Us laws relating to what can or cannot is do on a sunday. 与星期日能做什么不能做什么有关的法律。
- Constraints govern the kind of data you can or cannot add. 约束控制您可以添加或不能添加的数据类型。
- Karma often dictates what one can or cannot manifest. 业力经常指示你能显化什么,不能显化什么。
- To specify which sites can or cannot load images, click Exceptions. 要指定是否载入图片的特定站点,点击“例外”按钮。
- We simply like ourselves because of who we are and not because of what we can or cannot do. 喜欢自己不是因为自己能做什么或不能做什么,而是因为我们就是我们自己。
- But that sense should not serve as a disguise for allowing extremists of any stripe to define what views can or cannot be aired. 但是,责任感不应当作为任何极端职权机构的掩护来规定什么观点能或者不能被公开。
- During the collection, acquisition, coding and transmission of the images, they are all inclusively polluted by the noise that can or can not be seen on different degrees. 摘要在图像的采集、获取、编码和传输过程中,所有的图像均不同程度地被可见或不可见的噪声“污染”。
- The computer name is invalid or cannot be reached. 计算机名无效或无法获取。
- Whether you think you can or you think you can not, you are right. 无论你认为你能或你不能,你总是对的。
- We ferret out the semantic varieties among psychological predicates by looking into the constructions in which they can or cannot occur. 此篇论文的重点则在于探讨汉语感受动词的语意及句法的互动关系。
- The database file is either damaged or cannot be found. 数据库文件可能已被损坏或找不到。
- Rita: Please don't tell me what I can or cannot eat. I love spicy food. I can eat it so bring me the special no matter how hot it is. 莉达:别告诉我可以或不可以吃什么,我爱辣的食物。无论它有多辣,我都吃得下,给我拿来。
- Permissions have not been set or cannot be determined. 表明权限尚未设置或无法确定。
- Cities go bankrupt, or cannot continue to supply basic services. 市政面临破产,或是无法继续提供基本的服务。
- Is there any reason that you don't like to or cannot use JNDI? 我看到几乎所有的例子都是使用JNDI作连线的,有没有不用JNDI而作出连线的方式?
- Perhaps more significant than if Eurocurrencies are or are not money and if Eurobanks can or cannot create money is the fact that Eurocurrencies and Eurobanks do increase international liquidity. 欧洲货币和欧洲市场确实增加了国际资金流动性,这点比之欧洲货币是否是货币,欧洲市场能否创造货币等问题更为重要。
- Pino: wheather you think you can or you can not you are both right ! 我相信我们疯狂英语的战友都能坚持下去!
- There is a rule limiting collective agreements to work-related issues, not to business decisions, which creates a lot of "grey area" of what can or cannot be a subject of collective bargaining. 协议契约只关切与工作有关问题而不涉及商业决策,以免制造出具争议的灰色模糊地带。
- Designating a verb that does not require or cannot take a direct object. 指一个不需要搭配一个直接的宾语或不能搭配一个直接的宾语来完成意思的动词。