- 治高血压药antihypertensive
- 醋浸花生米治高血压Treatment of Hypertension by Vinegar Immersed Peanut
- 一种治高血压的新药a new remedy for high blood pressure
- 从营卫失调论治高血压病探微Discussion on Treating Hypertension from Aspect of Disharmony between Ying and Wei
- 高血压hypertension
- 治具tool
- 从湿浊内结、土湿侮木辨治高血压病Treatment of Hypertension from Dampness Accumulation and Spleen Insulting Liver
- 专治tyranny
- 高血压的hypertensive
- 治好cure; bring ... under control
- 高血压病hypertension
- 人治rule of man [through virtuous leaders]
- 我父亲有高血压。My father suffers from high blood pressure.
- 阿斯匹林是治感冒的妙药。Aspirin is a wonderful cure for colds.
- 高血压患者patients with elevated blood pressure
- 管治governance
- 高血压是致人死命的。High blood pressure is a killer.
- 我知道一种治头疼的药。I know a remedy for headaches.
- 原发性高血压primary hypertension
- 医生治不了这种病。The doctors were not able to treat this disease.