- Especially the thoughts still remain focusing on pursuit of quantity, therefore the training results can not be guaranteed, and lack of focalization and actual effect. 特别是在培训观念上还是更多地停留在以数量为中心的思维定式上,因此培训效果得不到保证,培训缺少针对性和实效性。
- It would still remain an unrealistic Utopian dream. 它仍然是不切实际的乌托邦梦想。
- Some buildings still remain after the attack. 袭击过后,仍残存了几幢楼。
- The boundary questions still remain unsettled. 边界问题仍然没有解决。
- Several shot still remain in his leg. 他的腿还留有几颗子弹。
- Much more still remain to be done. 还有更多事要做。
- Does there still remain some more kicking to do? 是否仍然对此进行更多声讨?
- He was badly hurt, but he still remained conscious. 他伤得很重,但仍未失去知觉。
- But it still remain a ponderable problem. 今南京方言属北方方言的江淮官话。
- Some parts of Africa still remained under colonialism. 非洲仍有一些地区处于殖民主义的统治之下。
- In the history of mankind, how many exalting thoughts still have come into being? 在人类历史上还有多少可以让人激动不已的思想诞生?
- So,despite getting what we want,we still remain unhappy. 于是,尽管我们得到了自己想要的,我们依然不快活。
- Hurry while the limited numBer of commodity houses still remain. 商品房数目有限,欲购从速
- "He abused me, he struck me, he overpowered me, he robbed me." Those who do not harbor such thoughts still their hatred. “他辱骂我、打我、击败我、掠夺我。”若人不怀是心,怨恨自然止息。
- Pockets of opposition/resistance to the new regime still remained. 反对[抵制]新政权的某些势力仍然存在。
- So, despite getting what we want, we still remain unhappy. 于是,尽管我们得到了自己想要的,我们依然不快活。
- And when your fears subside, And the shadows still remain. 当你害怕对沉沦感到恐惧,那阴影就不会褪去。
- Can the company adopt sound ALM and still remain competitive? 公司可以采纳稳健的资产负债且同时保持竞争优势吗?
- Review a shoe kind the market, a few countries think Asian other to reave bigger market share to still remain from Chinese hand " deliberate " . 纵观鞋类市场,亚洲其它一些国家想从中国手里抢走较大市场份额还有待“商榷”。
- How can we still remain young, as our children are sprouting into manhood? 孩子们已长大成人,我们怎么能不老呢?