- Where an AI has included an exemption of liability clause in its terms and conditions, it should draw the clause to the customers attention. 若认可机构在章则及条款内加入免责条款,机构应提醒客户留意有关的免责条款。
- The AI should advise the customer that its liability for negligence is subject to the limit specified in the exemption of liability clause. 认可机构应通知客户其责任仅局限于免责条款所指明的上限。
- Disappear protects a personage to warn a citizen, buy furniture to should make clear liability clause in buying a contract, reduce a risk. 消保人士提醒市民,购买家具应在购买合同中明确责任条款,减少风险。
- The contract also waives Tranquility\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s liability for harm that should befall a child in its care. 在协议中,问题少年的父母还放弃了追究“行为修正中心不当伤害”的权力。
- In no event shall STORER's liability for demurrage exceed five days per incident and [USD20,000] per day. 在任何情况下,每次延期事件仓储方的延期赔偿费均不得超过五天以及每天[20,000美元]。
- Under no circumstances will NKK's liability exceed the contract price for the products claimed to be defective. 在任何情况下,NKK的责任均不应超过被认为有缺陷的产品的合同价格。
- Under Institute Collision Liability Clause the collision means direct physical contact between two vessels, but in China indirect collision liability may be indemnified. 英国协会条款所承保的碰撞责任仅限于船舶间的直接接触,并不承保间接碰撞责任;而我国人保船舶保险条款是否承保间接碰撞责任尚存在争议。
- A manufacturer' s liability for warranty work is recorded by an entry debiting Warranty Expense and Crediting Liability of Warranty Claims. 制造商的保修负债一般通过如下会计分录记录,借记保修费用,贷记保修责任。
- DHL contracts with Shipper on the basis that DHL's liability is strictly limited to direct loss only and to the per kilo limits in this Section 5. DHL与付货人的合约是建基於DHL所负的法律责任严格限於直接损失及本章第5节所提及的千克/磅限制。
- Directors"s liability to third party (hereinafter called DLTP) is an importantcomponent of thelegislation of directors liability in contemporary corporate law. 董事对第三人损害赔偿责任制度是当代主要国家公司法中董事责任立法的重要组成部分。
- NET's liability to you for any cause whatsoever, and regardless of the form of the action, will at all times be limited to the amount paid, if any, by you to CLM. 如果根据适用法律,本协议任何部分被裁定为无效或不可强制执行,包括但不限于上述的担保放弃和有限责任。
- SELLER'S LIABILITY: Seller shall be responsible for leaving the building empty of any tenant or occupant as well as repaying any sums owed before Seller delivers the keys to Buyer. 将该房屋内原有户口全部迁出。甲方自行结清在腾空房屋,交付钥匙前所欠的费用,不得有欠费。
- Cancellation or termination of this Certificate shall not affect the Underwriter’s liability for any accident or occurrence which commenced prior to such cancellation or termination. 保险人或被保险人在财产发生损失以后的追偿、救助或保护被保险财产的任何行为不应认为是对委付的放弃或接受。
- Therefore, the vicarious liability of employers is different from the tort liability of legal entity, national compensation liability, agent’s liability and liability of work assistants. 替代责任的定性应当是对他人的过错承担责任,不是对他人的行为承担责任。
- Maximum liability under Collision Liability Clause 碰撞责任条款下的最大责任
- Three Fourths Collision Liability Clause 四分之三碰撞责任条款
- state' s liability to pay compensation 国家赔偿责任
- judge' s liability for misjudged cases 错案追究制
- Your carrier for this flight is British Airways. 你的这一班机是英国航空公司的飞机。