- She finished her work in an instant. 她没有多久就完成了她的工作。
- The soap lathers up in an instant and gives off an expensive scent. 这种肥皂会立即起泡并散发出高雅香味。
- Wait a moment, I'll be with you in an instant. 等一下,我立刻就来。
- Fortunes can be made or lost in an instant. 财富很可能会在一瞬间获得,也可能会在一瞬间失去。
- In an instant, thirty years has passed. 弹指一挥间,三十年过去了。
- In an instant the other two were on their legs. 另外两个人转眼之间也站了起来。
- The total of all votes cast in an election. 投票总数一次竞选中的投票总数
- The scene vanished in an instant. 那景色顷刻之间便消失了。
- I will be with you in an instant. 我立刻就去找你。
- Wait a moment,I'll be with you in an instant. 等一下,我立刻就来。
- Wait a moment, I will be with you in an instant. 等一下,我立刻就来。
- In an instant the whole crew was on foot. 顷刻间,全体船员惊动起来了。
- In an instant I shall vanish without trace. 在转瞬间消灭了踪影。
- The senatorial quality vanished in an instant. 他那参议员的身分立刻消失了。
- In an instant, a skycap was at his side. 一个带宽边帽的人马上来到他身边。
- Can love change into its opposite in an instant? 爱能于瞬间转变成全然相反的东西吗?
- In an instant, he was on cloudnine. 霎那间埃迪简直飞上了云霄。"
- He disappeared in an instant (or a flash). 他一溜烟就没影儿了。
- My entire life flashed by in an instant. 我的一生瞬间显现了出来。
- We want everything in an instant. 我們什么都要速成的,