- This is not a live match, but a recorded one. 这不是直播的比赛,而是录像的。
- On disk or diskette storage, an addressable subdivision of a track used to record one block of a program or data. 在软盘或磁盘存储器中,一条磁道上可编址的分区,用来记录程序或数据。
- While Saturday’s vote represented a reprieve of sorts for President Chen, it may have also strengthened the Nationalist Party, which favors closer relations with mainland China. 虽然周六的投票对陈总统来说意味着喘息,但也加强国民党的力量,它与中国大陆的关系更加密切。
- A special journal is an accounting journal designed to record one specific type of transaction, such as credit sales. 特种日记账是用来记录一种特殊类型会计事项的会计日记账。
- Perhaps existing two arcs above in the same direction between two states, adjacency matrix could only record one of them. 原因是两个状态间可能有两条以上同方向的弧,而邻接矩阵只能记录两个状态间存在的一条弧。
- This tragic appeal finally saw effect one month later, when voting ended on 24 Feb, FRH's votes were increasing by leaps and bounds. 此番悲情攻势经一个月发酵终于奏效,在24日投票截止时,飞轮海票数暴增。
- An elector is entitled to cast one vote for a list. 每名选民可投一票,支持一份参选名单。
- Why Bush and Blair didn't get the wining in UN's Voting on this case. 为什么布什和布莱尔在这件事上没有赢得联合国的投票表决,而仍然为了自己的利益攻打伊拉克呢?
- The Original Cast Recording of MAMMA MIA! has been the best-selling cast album of the past three years.? 最经典的原声带在前三年创造出最好的销售纪录。
- Since then,he made progress all the more,and broke the Asian records one after another. 从此,一发不可收拾,一次次打破亚洲纪录。
- Control has built-in support to allow users to page through records one at a time. 控件具有内置的支持,允许用户一次一条地对记录分页。
- As we is not unanimous for this matter, let 's vote on it 因为我们在这件事上无法取得同意,我们表决吧
- Takes over at Osasuna in Second Division, but lasts just nine games after recording one win. 1996年,在西乙中执教奥萨辛纳队,但只执教了9场比赛,其中只有一场胜仗。
- Argentina's door Kyrgyzstan Sri Lanka staged a hat-trick, and Armas Kela Zha also recorded one goal each. 阿根廷队的吉门内斯上演帽子戏法,阿马斯和科拉扎也各有一球入账。
- New cadres were elected. No one dared cast a vote for any rascal. 不久,村干部又都经过大改选,村里人再也不敢乱投坏人的票了。
- In fact, the initial quest to have Moussavi’s votes properly counted and Ahmadinejad unseated has shifted to a broader confrontation with the regime itself. 事实上,设法正确计数穆萨维选票并将内贾德拉下台的初衷已经转变为与政体本身的更广泛对抗。
- Their fame rests entirely on one record. 他们完全是靠著一张唱片出的名。
- That volcano cast forth lots of lava and ashes. 那火山喷了出大量熔岩和灰烬。
- She cast her eyes down to avoid direct eye contact. 她垂下双目以避免对视。
- He will cast a vote for the Labor candidate. 他将投工党候选人的票。