- I bought a new suit in the central city this year. 我今年在市中心买了套公寓。适合。
- Is the house close to the central city? 那房子靠着市中心吗?
- This is the central city of the whole area. 这座城市是整个地区的中心城市。
- A central city zhejiang province of jinhua, a small store market, is home to sell ten embroidery. 浙江中部一个城市金华,一个小小的百货市场,居然有十来家卖刺绣的。
- Inside central city, "Slummy change " the phenomenon is serious. 在中心城市内,“贫民区化”现象严重。
- The central city has good bus service; the shop has a central location. 市区中心有很好的公汽服务;这家商店处在中心位置。
- Can Cities Market Themselves Like Coke and Pepsi Do? 城市可以像可口可乐和百事可乐那样营销自己吗?
- In 2000, 311 people died in a disco fire in the central city of Luoyang. 2000年,311人丧生于洛阳市中心的一所迪斯科舞厅爆发的火灾中。
- Department, cervine city market runs development of half step of contemporary shoemaking course of study. 五十年代以来的三十年;
- To readers:With the booming of China Textile City market and accelerating of internationalization, there are many foreign businessmen have mixed to local life. 致读者:随中国轻纺城市场的不断发展和国际化进程的加快,许多外国客商已经融入了本地生活。
- The central city on the 8th Santa Clara held a grand ceremony to mark the 40th anniversary of Che Guevara sacrifice. 古巴中部城市圣克拉拉8日举行盛大仪式,隆重纪念切格瓦拉牺牲40周年。
- According to the Department of the Shanghai Baba property advisory market survey, the Center City market in a sustained manner, it is hard to curb price rises momentum. 据上海巴巴房产咨询市场部调查,目前中心城区市场持续升温,房价上涨势头一时难以遏止。
- About 16 km from airport,7 km from railway station,0 km from central city and 12 km from Houzhu Harbour. 距机场:16公里,距火车站:7公里,距市中心:0公里,距后渚港:12公里。
- Economic activities of the satellite are closely geared to those of the central city. 卫星城市的经济活动与中心城市息息相关。
- Economic activities of the sputnik are closely geared to those of the central city. 卫星城市的经济活动与中心城市息息相关。
- Situated in western outskirts of Beijing, the Summer Palace is 10 kilometers from the central city. 颐和园坐落于北京西郊,距离市中心约十公里远。
- MAP large-scale, structured and divided into three sections : The first was the outskirts of King painting, and the second is near the river, the city market is the third paragraph. 全图规模宏大,结构严谨,大致分为三个段落:第一段是市郊景画,第二段是汴河,第三段是城内街市.
- With the quickening of municipalization, Zhengzhou will be built into a regional central city in the country. 随着城市化进程的加快,郑州将要建设成为国家区域性中心城市,到2005年建成区面积将达180-200平方公里,人口达到250万人。
- After 24 Nov. HK Sahaja Yoga Bhajan Group performed at Central City Hall, we add one more performance on 10 Dec. 香港霎哈嘉瑜伽拜赞歌团继十一月廿四日晚上的在中环大会堂演出;在十二月十日再加一场.
- KWS investigators have found that this trade has been going on for the past two months and the target markets are popular meat-eating places like Kenyatta Market and City Market. 肯亚野生动物管理局调查人员发现,这些非法交易已持续约2个月,并以肯亚塔市场和市立市场等荤食地区为主要贩售市场。