- The channel of the river filled up with mud. 河道塞满了泥。
- If I do score, it will befor the good of Inter. 假如我取得进球,亦只是为了国米的利益。”
- Are there lots of inter fans there? 那里有很多国米的球迷吗?
- He has secret channels of information. 他有秘密的消息来源。
- The act or ritual of interring or burying. 安葬埋葬或掩埋的行为或仪式
- The reduces direct concatenate hotel financing channel of abroad limelight produced a change. 海外风头的减少直接使连锁酒店的融资渠道发生了改变。
- All channels of communication need to be kept open. 所有沟通管道都得保持畅通无阻。
- The red, green, and blue channels of a buffer. 缓冲区的红色、绿色和蓝色通道。
- Given the concern about over-reliance on bank financing as the major channel of financial intermediation, Asian economies have been promoting the development of the bond market. 鉴于过度倚赖银行融资作为主要金融中介渠道的情况受到关注,亚洲经济体系已致力推动债市的发展。
- This article analyses the the ways and wherefores being full of inter... 本文从历史角度对其饶有兴味的前因后果进行了考辨。
- What are your major channels of distribution? 贵公司主要的配销管道是什么?
- Do you think your squad can win in your first season as coach of Inter? 问:你认为你能带领这支队伍在加入的第一年就获得胜利吗?
- Inverts selected color channels of a video. 此滤镜用于翻转所选色彩通道的颜色。
- No active capital market and the single channel of financing and repayment are the main reasons for the high debt risk and the trend for distribution of high dividends. 资本市场的不活跃、融资、还款渠道的单一是引起债务风险、高额分红倾向的主要原因。
- Thus began Janes channeling of Seth. 这样,简开始为赛斯通灵。
- They have secret channels of information. 他们有秘密的情报来源。
- On financing, the meeting should urge developed countries to meet the target of 0.7% ODA for GNI to ensure funding through the main channel of financing for development. 关于资金领域,会议应敦促发达国家尽快达到官方发展援助占国民总收入0.;7%25的目标,确保发展筹资的主渠道。
- From 2001 since the bottom, money is constrictive bring bigger impact to our country real estate, quickened the exploration of diversity of channel of real estate financing. 自2001年底以来,银根紧缩给我国房地产业带来较大冲击,加速了房地产业融资渠道多元化的探索。
- Rivas 6.5 - As solid as usual in central defence. He's easily one of Inter's most surprising players this season. 维瓦斯6.;5-中路防守很牢固,无疑是本赛季国米最令人惊喜的发现。
- Lega tribunal found Mancini guilty of idiocy and sentenced him to three more years as the coach of Inter. 法庭认定曼尼奇被指控是个笨蛋的罪名成立,他将被惩罚再执教国米三年。。。