- She is very beautiful, having clear bright eyes and gleaming teeth. 她很漂亮,皓齿明眸。
- They are closely related as lips and teeth. 他们唇齿相依。
- She compressed her lips and kept silent. 她紧闭嘴唇,一声不吭。
- The upper lip and mandibles of the insect were injured. 这个昆虫的上唇和上颚都受了伤。
- The eyes are black and gleam like a snake's. 它的眼睛象蛇眼一样又黑又亮。
- It’s her arms that pop out, rippled and gleaming. 她的手臂毫无保留的挥动着,动感而有光泽。
- A person's lips and hands often chap in winter. 人的嘴唇和手在冬天常常皲裂。
- The girl pursed up her lips and frowned . 女孩噘着嘴皱着眉。
- He nipped his lip and didn't talk. 他紧咬下唇,一句话也不说。
- He put the bottle to his lips and drink deeply. 他拿著瓶子对嘴儿大口喝。
- Ornaments made of crystal and diamond are shining and gleaming. 水晶、钻石饰品,光亮剔透。
- Sandy licked his dry lips and heaved a long sigh. 老沙头舔了一下发干的嘴唇,长吁了一口气。
- There the waves were, boiling up in snowy spouts of spray, smiting and gnashing their crests together like the gleaming teeth of hell. 翻腾着的波浪就象一锅喷着雪白水泡的沸水,而簇拥在一起的浪尖,简直就是地狱里白森森的獠牙了。
- He put the bottle to his lips and drank deeply. 他拿着瓶子对嘴儿大口喝.
- Slandered by poisonous pests, she fell mortally ill: her cherry lips lost their redness as she moaned, her apricot cheeks became wan and faded. 偶逢蛊虿之谗,遂抱膏肓之疾。故尔樱唇红褪,韵吐呻吟;
- She rounded her lips and whistled. 她撮起嘴唇吹口哨。
- Smooth away dead skin cells using our Lip Scuff before applying our creamy Wild Cherry Lip Butter. 先使用我们的唇部磨砂去除死皮,然后再涂上野艳樱桃唇乳霜滋润双唇。
- To draw back the lips and bare the teeth, as in mirth or good humor. 咧嘴而笑嘴唇后咧并露出牙齿,如在高兴或情绪好时
- She pursed her pretty lips and peaked her eyebrows. 她紧闭美丽的双唇,竖起眉毛。
- Do you lips and tongue feel numb now? 你的嘴唇和舌头木吗?