- n. 选择;挑选;抉择
- adj. 上等的;精选的
- 选择,抉择
- 选择权;选择机会;选择能力;选择力;选择的自由
- 精选品,精华
- 挑选
- 入选者,被选中的人,被选中的东西
- 供选择的种类、范围
- 所爱好的物品
- 审慎
- 移民的选定地
- 选择的可能性
- 上等的,精选的,优良的,精美的,高级的,理想的
- 挑三拣四的,挑七拣八的
- 值得选用的
- 仔细推敲的,字斟句酌的
- 爱选择的
- 宠爱的,爱惜的
- 高尚的
- [C]选择,挑选 an act of choosing or a chance to choose
- [C]供选择的东西 a variety from which to choose
- [C]入选者,被选中的东西 a person or thing chosen
- 上等的; 精选的 of high quality
the person or thing chosen or selected;
"he was my pick for mayor"
the act of choosing or selecting;
"your choice of colors was unfortunate"
"you can take your pick"
one of a number of things from which only one can be chosen;
"what option did I have?"
"there no other alternative"
"my only choice is to refuse"
of superior grade;
"choice wines"
"prime beef"
"prize carnations"
"quality paper"
"select peaches"
appealing to refined taste;
"choice wine"
- I believe that he can make a judicious choice.
我相信他能作出明智的选择。 - The choice rests entirely with you.
这完全由你来选择。 - We have no choice except to trust ourselves.
我们必须依靠自己,没有其他选择。 - He is cautious in his choice of words.
他措辞很谨慎。 - The shop has a wide choice of hats.
那家商店出售各式各样的帽子。 - The choice lies between death and dishonor.
- We select only the choicest apples for our pies.
我们精选最好的苹果制作馅饼。 - She summed up the situation in a few choice phrases.
- at one's own choice
随意选择 can be chosen freely
- by choice
自愿 willingly, because of wanting to
- for choice
出于自己的选择 by preference if one must choose
- have no choice but to-v
别无选择,只能… do sth without way
- make a choice
选择 be choosing
- allow a choice 允许选择
- applaud a choice 欢迎选择
- approve a choice 赞同选择
- determine a choice 决心选择
- encourage a choice 鼓励选择
- envy a choice 羡慕选择
- exercise a choice 进行挑选,作出选择
- explain one's choice 解释选择的理由
- extend a choice 扩大选择
- favor a choice 喜爱选择的人〔事〕
- guard a choice 守护精品
- guide a choice 指导选择
- have a free choice 可以任意选择
- have no choice 不能选择,有偏爱
- have one's choice 可以挑选,有选择权
- indicate a choice 表明选择
- influence a choice 影响选择
- justify a choice 证实选择
- make a choice 作出选择
- offer a choice 提供选择
- regulate a choice 调整选择的种类
- require a choice 需要选择
- restrict a choice 限制选择
- take one's choice 选择
- widen a choice 拓宽选择
- abundant choice 大量选择
- admirable choice 令人羡慕的选择
- appropriate choice 恰当的选择
- arbitrary choice 独断选择
- bad choice 糟糕的选择
- bitter choice 苦涩的选择
- boundless choice 无限的选择
- careful choice 谨慎的选择
- closed choice 没有限制的选择
- critical choice 批判的选择
- definite choice 肯定的选择
- deliberate choice 有目的的选择
- difficult choice 难以作出的选择
- distinguished choice 杰出的选择
- doubtful choice 怀疑的选择
- emotional choice 激情的选择
- endless a choice 无止境的选择
- excellent choice 极好的选择
- fortunate choice 幸运的选择
- free choice 自由挑选
- good choice 好的选择
- great choice 很大的选择余地
- haphazard choice 任意的选择
- happy choice 巧妙的选择
- hasty choice 仓促的选择
- ideal choice 理想的选择
- important choice 重要的选择
- indefensible choice 无法防御的选择
- individual choice 个人选择
- inevitable choice 必然的选择
- injudicious choice 不明智的选择
- intelligent choice 聪明的选择
- irrelevant choice 无关的选择
- large choice 很大的选择余地
- limited a choice 有限的选择
- logical choice 合乎逻辑的选择
- masterly choice 高明的选择
- mercenary choice 唯利是图的选择
- mistaken choice 错误的选择
- moral choice 道德的选择
- nonsensical choice 无意义的选择
- particular choice 特别的选择
- poor choice 很少的选择余地
- satisfactory choice 满意的选择
- sorry choice 错误的选择
- special choice 特别的选择
- successful choice 成功的选择
- the best choice 最好的选择
- the first choice 首先选择,第一选择
- the second choice 第二选择
- wide choice 花色品种齐全(供广泛选择)
- wise choice 明智的选择
- wrong choice 错误的选择
- career choice 职业的选择
- Hobson's choice 没有选择余地
- at one's own choice 可随意选择
- by choice 自选,自择
- by one's own choice 靠某人自己的选择
- of choice 精选的,特别的
- freedom of choice 选择的自由
- to one's choice 适合…的选择
- with choice 审慎地
- without choice 无分别地,不分好歹地
- choice among 在…之中的选择
- choice between 在…之中的选择
- choice between two jobs 两种职业中挑选一种
- choice by 由…选择
- choice of… 的选择
- choice of colors 色彩的选择
- choice apples 精选的苹果
- choice article 精选的文章
- choice bag 精选的包
- choice book 精选的书
- choice bread 上等面包
- choice dress 精选的衣服
- choice drinks 上等饮料
- choice film 精选的电影
- choice flour 上等面粉
- choice fruit 上等水果
- choice gift 精选的礼物
- choice hat 精选的帽子
- choice language 精选的语言
- choice magazine 精选的杂志
- choice noodle 上等面条
- choice novel 精选的小说
- choice phrases 精妙的词语
- choice picture 精选的图片
- choice play 精选的戏剧
- choice rice 上等大米
- choice shoes 精选的鞋
- choice sugar 上等糖
- choice tea 上等茶
- choice word 精选的词
- very choice 非常爱惜
- be choice of 好挑剔,珍惜
- be choice over 珍爱,溺爱
With this body too..lay the choice of all future Protectors.
出自: J. R. Green -
At breakfast we had a choice between tea and coffee.
出自: R. L. Stevenson -
I had before me a choice of routes, and I chose a ridge.
出自: J. Buchan -
You have already made your choices, taken the significant moral actions of your life.
出自: A. Lurie -
In a sea of folly toss'd, My choicest Hours of Life are lost.
出自: Pope